The classic technique of squats

The classic technique of squats
Классические приседания со штангой за спиной используются атлетами практически во всех видах спорта. Данное упражнение является многосуставным, требующим не только силы мышц ног, но и скоординированной работы всех частей тела.Classic squats behind used by athletes in virtually all sports. This exercise is megosztani that requires not only strength the leg muscles, but also the coordinated work of all parts of the body.

Taking from the racks

The first step that you need to do before squats is to adjust the height position of the fretboard on the racks. The optimal position when the shelves are slightly below shoulder level (neck after taking could not touch them).

On the back of the neck is located between the rear deltoid muscle and upper trapezius muscle, in any case, it should not be placed on the neck, this will inevitably lead to injury.

Hand we must strictly control the position of the rod, so before hooking under the neck, firmly taken its hands at a comfortable width (usually the distance between the hands is 1.5 – 2 shoulder width).

Just before the capture of the rod shoulders should be tense, the blade as is reduced, the legs are strictly under the bar on the same line, the head is raised slightly above the plane parallel to the floor and is in this position throughout the exercise. After taking the barbell from the racks, should take two or three steps.

The placing of the feet and squat

When performing sit-UPS actively working the following muscles:



the hamstrings;

calf muscles;

press the lumbar muscles (as stabilizers).

In order to use all those muscles to the maximum, you need to take the following position – feet wider than shoulders, feet angled 45 degrees.

Possible individual adjustment, the main criterion in the formulation of the feet is the position of the tibia at the time of the squat, they must be parallel between themselves and perpendicular to the floor. The next moment is the movement of the pelvis, it needs to move back to the moment, until the thighs reach parallel with the floor. Then comes the upward movement.

Life technology

To start the technique better with a blank fretboard, gradually adding weight. Increasing weight is particularly important, because only large weight will be able to show vulnerabilities. In order to understand how to move the pelvis, you need to squat on a special box or a stack of pancakes, a height to about the level of his knees.

This exercise is aimed at testing the abduction of the pelvis back. Also, to take a large weight, need strong core muscles. To develop the muscles in the middle of the body suitable for such exercises as: hyperextension, leg raises to the bar, all kinds of trims, wall thrust.

Squats are a powerful and essential exercise for developing the lower body. Given the complexity of its implementation, do not neglect the warm-up and pre-fatigue the legs.

Also, remember that a competent coach can help correct technique squats for a particular person, and also to make an individual training plan.
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