Instructions for beginners on how to properly use the gym equipment in the gym.

Instructions for using simulators with handles, ropes and cables may seem quite scary. But for those who have already used them, it all seems very simple. And if you are a beginner, how do you find out how to use the equipment correctly?

The problem is compounded by the fact that different manufacturers slightly change the design of simulators. This can put the visitors of the hall in an uncomfortable position.Basic Gym Setup

The good news is that the simulators are designed for relatively easy strength training. They guide your body through fixed ranges of motion, rather than forcing you to control your own movements with free weights. Manufacturers want to make this process easier for you, so use these tips when you encounter unfamiliar equipment.

Read the instructions

Look for the instruction panel on each simulator with sample weights. These instructions usually tell you which muscle groups the simulator is designed for, how it works and where the adjustment points are located on the simulator. Find these instructions and take the time to read them.

If you are uncomfortable reading the instructions right next to the simulator, take a picture of them on your phone, step away to read them, and then return to the simulator when you are ready.
Look for an adjustment point

No one has the same bodies: some people are taller, others are shorter, some have long arms and legs, others have a short torso. As a result, the range of movements and mechanics of each exercise should not be the same — they should be adjusted according to personal needs. Manufacturers are trying to accommodate people of all shapes and sizes by providing adjustment points on the equipment. As a rule, these adjustment points can be found on the seat, the back of the chair or at the location of the moving parts of the machine. These adjustment points are usually marked with bright knobs for quick finding.

Start with a light weight

For adjustable gear, all you have to do to choose a weight is to pull the pin out of the stack with the weights and insert it back into the stack with the weight you want to lift. If you are not familiar with the simulator or are not sure if you have adjusted the simulator correctly for your height, choose a light weight and check the range of motion.

Adjust until you feel comfortable

If you feel that your joints are overstretched during lifting or you have to awkwardly strain your back to push off from the seat or the pads of the simulator are hitting your joints uncomfortably, something may need to be adjusted. Your body should feel steady and comfortable when doing each exercise, so check the adjustment points and try a different position to see if it helps. If in doubt, contact a trainer or gym employee for help.

How to use the equipment correctly

After you set up the simulator correctly, choose the weight that seems difficult. You should be able to do 10 to 12 reps in a row, where the last one or two reps push you to the limit. If you have no problem doing 12 reps, it's time to increase the weight. If you find it difficult to do four or five reps, reduce the weight. Follow the correct technique when lifting and see below for tips on specific simulators.

Control your movements

Avoid swinging the body or using momentum to enhance movements. In addition, control the lifting and lowering phases equally — strive to ensure that each phase takes about two seconds.

Keep breathing

Breathing is important during strength training — you need your breathing to be deep and even. Exhale when you lift the weight and inhale when you lower it.

Don't ring the scales

If the weights hit the stack with a loud thud at the end of each repetition, one of three factors is probably to blame.

Incorrect settings: If the adjustment points are not set correctly on your simulator, you may not be performing the full range of movements with each lift, which leads to hitting the weight stack too early. Stop and adjust the simulator before continuing.

Lifting too fast: If the machine is adjusted correctly, then the next possible problem is that you lift the weight too fast and lose control of the movement when lowering. Slow down.

Lifting too much weight:
Similarly, using too much weight makes it difficult to lower the weight in a controlled manner. Try to choose a lighter weight.

Start with complex exercises

Complex exercises affect several muscle groups at the same time. Examples include a leg press, chest press, pull-up simulator and a wide-leg traction simulator. Start with these types of basic exercise machines before moving on to those that isolate specific muscle groups, such as leg extension, leg flexion, biceps, or triceps simulators.

Sitting leg press

Sitting leg press is a great way to work out the quadriceps, buttocks and hamstrings in a more controlled way than squats or lunges. The trick is to set up the simulator correctly.

1. Sit on the bench press with your feet and place your feet on the foot platform so that they are slightly wider than the width of the shoulders, the socks are slightly turned outwards.

2. In the starting position, the knees should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees or slightly lower, and the knees should not protrude beyond the toes. You should feel comfortable pressing your heels to start knee extension. If you need to push the pads of your foot, try moving your feet higher on the footrest.

3. When doing the exercise, you should be able to fully straighten your knees, using your heels to fully straighten up.

You can usually adjust the position of the footrest or seat to adjust to different heights. You can also adjust the seat back to provide a more comfortable body angle.

Leg Extension Machine

The leg extension simulator isolates your quadriceps. The movement itself is quite simple, but setting up the simulator can be more difficult. The goal is to have the backrest positioned so that your knee bends just behind the front of the seat. You can't have your hips protruding too far over the edge of the seat, and you can't have the seat pressing down on the back of your calves.

1. Adjust the seat back so that you can comfortably lean on it.

2. After you adjust the seat back, make sure that the position of the shin cushion allows you to perform a full range of foot movement. Check it out with a light weight — if the weights clank against the weight stack before you feel that you have completed the full range of motion, adjust the shin guard back.

3. Some exercise machines also allow you to use a handle to pull the shin pad up so that it fits comfortably on the front of the shins, and not on the ankles.

4. After making the necessary changes, simply sit on the simulator, select a weight and perform the exercise by fully extending your knees, and then bending them again to lower the weight. Control the movement through the extension and lowering phases.

Lying Leg Bending Machine

A lying-down leg flexor isolates the hamstrings. As in the leg extension simulator, this exercise is quite simple, but setting up the simulator can be a difficult task.

The goal is to lie on your stomach on the simulator so that the calf pad is located just above the ankles at a height at which the knees are not stretched.

In the initial position, the legs should be straight from the hips to the heels. Usually there are two adjustment points on the leg flexor simulator. You can move the shin pad closer to your body or further away, depending on your height, and up or down as needed. When you have made the appropriate adjustments, the exercise will be simple:

1. Lie down on the simulator so that the calf cushion is located just above the ankles.

2. Bend your knees, pulling your heels as close to your buttocks as possible.

3. Carefully lower the dumbbells back to the starting position.

Chest press

The chest press simulator is aimed at the pectoral muscles, shoulders and triceps. The main thing is to adjust the seat, backrest and the position of the handles to ensure a full range of movements.

1. Sit on the seat and grasp the handles for the chest press. If necessary, adjust the height of the seat, backrest or handles.

2. When the simulator is properly adjusted, simply push the handles away from you, stretching your elbows in front of your chest.

3. Slowly perform the reverse movement, bending the arms at the elbows and returning the handles to their original position.
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