Testosterone - how to increase.

Testosterone - how to increase.
It is no secret that testosterone can be called the" Holy Grail " of male hormones. Below are safe ways to increase your testosterone in natural ways.

The power of testosterone is almost mythical and there are no miracles in this, it can increase muscle and burn fat in the body in addition to a whole list of positive properties, including improving mood, sleep, libido, energy, overall health and quality of life. Unfortunately, most men experience a gradual decline in testosterone levels after the age of 30, which puts them at greater risk of heart attack, type 2 diabetes, low mineral density, lack of sexual function, reduced muscle mass, and reduced physical activity.

It should not be assumed that women were spared the reduction in levels of this anabolic hormone. Similarly to men, despite the fact that in the female body only one tenth of the male level of this hormone, the peak level of testosterone is reached by 2 years of age and then begins to fall. A drop in hormone levels can further negatively affect the balance between testosterone and estrogen, resulting in increased fat, slow metabolism, reduced strength and a lack of minerals in the bones, and a complex build-up of muscle mass.

Fortunately, there are ways to naturally increase testosterone levels, including the most effective of them is training, which includes proper rest, nutrition, harmonious dietary supplements, all the things that most likely you have already done before. Here are 7 sure ways to safely increase the level of this hormone.

Eat the fat, blow up the testosterone
Although fat usually destroys a good figure, it actually plays a key role in optimizing natural testosterone production. The time when fat was associated only with heart disease and rising cholesterol levels is long gone, now it is considered one of the surest ways to increase testosterone levels. In fact, studies have shown that diets with the use of monounsaturated and saturated fat contribute to an increase in testosterone in the body.

In patients taking part in another study who switched from a high-fat diet (13 percent saturated fat) to a low-fat diet (5 percent), there was a significant decrease in testosterone and lower levels of circulating androgens.

It should be taken into account that it is important not so much how much fat you eat, but the type of fat consumed.

Products containing monounsaturated fats: olive oil, avocado, and nut oil.

Foods containing saturated fat: red meat, coconut oil, egg yolk, dark chocolate, cheese.

Don't avoid cholesterol

The body gets testosterone from cholesterol and so, surprisingly, if you limit the intake of cholesterol, the hormone simply has nowhere to go. Recent studies have shown a close relationship between cholesterol levels and free testosterone levels in the body. Keep in mind that most of the testosterone in your body is associated with proteins, but only loose (free) testosterone is considered bioactive and easily available for tissue absorption.

Moreover, the inclusion of whole eggs in a diet with moderate carbohydrate restriction showed an improvement in the lipoprotein profile (increased cholesterol) and reduced insulin resistance in patients with metabolic syndrome, with a set of health problems, including hypertension, increased blood glucose levels, and an increased risk of heart disease.

Most foods with high cholesterol are the same as those containing saturated fat. It is better to eat red meat, egg yolk, seafood (shrimp, squid, scallop).

Consume testosterone-boosting ingredients

Fenugreek extract.

Standardized fenugreek extract, is a well-known way to increase free testosterone levels and build muscle mass, as well as increase sex drive in men. Although research in this area is somewhat early, studies conducted in Australia have shown that taking 6 weeks of products whose main component is fenugreek extract significantly increases performance, sexual function and satisfaction in healthy adult men.


Zinc is an important mineral that plays a key role in the amount of testosterone produced. A small zinc deficiency in both men and women leads to a suppressed concentration of testosterone, which is confirmed by studies that have shown an increase in testosterone levels from 8.3 to 16 nmol/l (93% growth) when switching from a minor zinc deficiency to a normal state. This study proved the crucial role of zinc in modulating serum testosterone levels in a healthy male population.

D-aspartic acid (DAA).

D-aspartic acid is found in neuroendocrine tissues and is thought to affect hormone levels by increasing testosterone production. In one study, 23 men took a portion of 3,120 milligrams of DAA for 12 days, as opposed to another group of subjects. After 12 days of administration, the first group showed an increase in testosterone levels by 42%, as well as luteinizing hormone by 33%. The result of the study proved the direct effect of DAA on increasing the production of testosterone by the human body.

Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is the dominant vitamin in the effort to increase testosterone, which has been proven in some studies. A higher level of vitamin D in the body definitely increases the level of free testosterone.

Diindolylmethane (DIM).

Diindolylmethane (DIM) is a component of indole-3-carbinol and is formed when vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower are digested. Studies have proven that DIM promotes a healthy balance between the hormones estrogen and testosterone in the body. This occurs by converting powerful forms of estrogen into less powerful ones, reducing the overall effect of estrogen in the body, resulting in a more productive environment for increasing testosterone.

Training with a variety of weights.

Along with nutrition, increasing testosterone also affects the quality of your training. Studies have proven and continue to confirm the positive effect of training with a large load (when you choose a weight at which the athlete performs 10 repetitions to muscle fatigue) contribute to an increase in testosterone. However, you should also pay attention to the correct choice of exercises and equipment to get the maximum return. In fact, the more muscles you use during exercise, the more hormone will be released into the body. It is proved that squats contribute to a greater release of testosterone compared to the leg press on the simulator. Work on basic exercises like squats, bench presses, and deadlifts, as these are basic exercises that increase testosterone levels. Working on simulators that allow you to isolate individual muscle groups is not as good as basic exercises.

Long-term training will not do you any good.

Another aspect to increase your testosterone levels is the length of your workout. If you are prone to long, extended workouts with long rest periods between sets, then your testosterone level is subject to a negative decrease. Training lasting more than one hour increases cortisol and subsequently reduces testosterone. Moreover, studies have shown that short breaks between approaches (up to 1 minute) caused an acute increase in the hormonal response.

Don't neglect sleep.

Lack of night rest can dramatically reduce the amount of testosterone produced in the body, and therefore reduce muscle growth and fat loss. Studies have shown a link between the length of sleep and the amount of testosterone in the morning, the longer the subjects slept, the more hormone they had after sleep. Ideally, you should sleep 7-9 hours.

A variety of training programs

Short - and long-term studies have shown that high-intensity training (multiple approaches with 70-85% of maximum weight) usually leads to a high hormonal response. Stick to programs that aim to load your muscles with medium to high-intensity exercises. The combination of training to failure, dropsets or super-weights can have a positive effect on the level of testosterone.

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