The benefits of Brazil nuts will make you buy a whole bag of them.

Brazil nuts, known as a superstar source of selenium, are also rich in beneficial nutrients that can promote heart health, strengthen bones and more.

If you like crunchy, savory snacks, you can add Brazil nuts (also known as butter or butter nuts) to your diet.What are Brazil nuts?

Brazil nuts are the seeds of the Brazil nut tree, a tropical tree that grows in the Amazon rainforest in South American countries such as Bolivia, Peru and, you guessed it, Brazil. Round brown fruits, similar to coconuts, grow on the tree, each of which contains from 10 to 25 seeds. When the wrinkled, brown, woody shell surrounding the seeds opens, you'll find an edible kernel called a Brazil nut.

Meals with Brazil nuts

In addition to protein, fiber, niacin and vitamin B6, Brazil nuts boast a variety of minerals, including (but not limited to!) magnesium, potassium and zinc. However, the claim of the Brazil nut to fame lies in its exorbitant content of the mineral selenium — so much so that the nut is "the most powerful food source of selenium." In fact, only one Brazil nut contains enough selenium to meet your daily needs. In particular, one Brazil nut contains a whopping 96 micrograms, which is almost twice the recommended amount. So why is this remarkable? Selenium is involved in a number of functions, such as thyroid hormone production and DNA synthesis.

Here is the nutritional profile of two nuts (~10 grams):

· 66 calories

· 1 gram of protein

· 7 grams of fat

· 1 gram of carbohydrates

· < 1 gram of fiber

· < 1 gram of sugar

Health benefits

So Brazil nuts are rich in essential nutrients, but what does that mean for you?

Helps to reduce the risk of diseases

Selenium (which, again, is exceptionally rich in Brazil nuts) is an antioxidant. This means that the mineral can fight free radicals and oxidative stress, thereby minimizing the risk of chronic diseases.

But selenium in Brazil nuts does not act alone. Brazil nuts contain vitamin E and substances called phenols, which are antioxidants. Vitamin E also supports immune function, further enhancing the beneficial properties of Brazil nuts in the fight against diseases.

Thyroid function support

The selenium in Brazil nuts can also contribute to healthy thyroid function. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate body functions such as metabolism and menstruation. With this in mind, thyroid health is crucial for overall well-being, and the selenium in Brazil nuts can help. The production of hormones in the thyroid gland depends on selenium, so a deficiency can significantly affect the metabolism.

Strengthens heart health

Brazil nuts can support the heart, which is partly due to the selenium they contain. As mentioned above, oxidative stress can contribute to the development of heart disease, but the antioxidant properties of selenium can help reduce the risk.

Strengthens bones

Brazil nuts contain some of the calcium needed for healthy bones, and magnesium is an overlooked bone health hero because it contributes to bone density. In addition, the selenium in Brazil nuts activates enzymes that protect the cells that form bone tissue, known as osteoblasts.

Promotes brain health

The benefits of Brazil nuts extend to your brain. The antioxidant effect of selenium can protect brain cells from oxidative damage. This is important because oxidative stress can contribute to age-related cognitive decline. It may also play a role in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

Potential risks of Brazil nuts

Since there is so much selenium in Brazil nuts, you should avoid eating them regularly. This can lead to the accumulation of excess selenium in the body, which will lead to toxicity. Early signs of this include a metallic taste in the mouth, bad breath, nausea, diarrhea, hair loss, brittle nails, skin rash and fatigue.

So, how much is too much?

The maximum amount you can consume per day without negative side effects is 400 mcg for adult men and women. This corresponds to about four Brazil nuts, which together contain about 384 micrograms of selenium. Selenium toxicity occurs at a dose of about 1200 mcg, which is equivalent to eating 13 Brazil nuts (~1248 mcg of selenium). We recommend eating no more than two Brazil nuts a day to stay within safe limits and simultaneously reap the benefits of selenium.

It is also possible to be allergic to Brazil nuts, which, by the way, are a kind of tree nuts, like almonds and cashews.

How to buy Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts are available in supermarkets, specialty health food stores and online stores where you can find them raw, fried, covered in chocolate or in the form of pasta. They are also often found in nut mixes.
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