Why do many people have red face when running

If you're blushing after running, you're not alone. This is a common problem, especially in women and people with fair skin. When you run, your body releases heat. Sweating helps you cool down. Your body also increases the blood supply to the skin to help regulate temperature. Your capillaries expand, so more blood can pass through them and radiate extra heat through your skin.The diameter of the capillaries on the cheeks is larger than in other places, and they are located closer to the surface. So as they expand, more red blood approaches the surface, which gives you a pinkish-red color.

Many runners blush regardless of how much their fitness improves (in fact, research shows that endurance athletes blush earlier in training than less prepared people).

Everyone has a different attitude to the heat, and just as some runners sweat more than others, some have red faces and others don't. Some people have more capillaries by nature.

Others may have capillaries that naturally carry more blood to the face during exercise. In any case, they are more likely to redden their faces from exercise.

Running in hot weather

You may feel yourself blushing if you run hard or run in hot or humid weather. In warm weather, try to run early in the morning or late in the evening (or indoors if the weather is very bad, that is, hot). Also, make sure you drink plenty of fluids while running when you're thirsty. Try pouring water over your head, neck, and armpits to cool down.

If you experience symptoms other than redness of the face, such as dizziness or nausea, you may be suffering from heat stroke, which causes dehydration or heat exhaustion. Stop running immediately, drink some water, and go into the shade.

The duration of cooling

Usually, redness of the face caused by stress lasts no more than 15-20 minutes after the end of the load. There's not much you can do to speed up the process, but you can try:

· Splashing or blotting your face with cold water during your workout.

* Cool down enough to lower your heart rate

* Take a cold shower, wash your face with cold water, or use face wipes (some of them contain aloe to soothe the skin and caffeine to narrow blood vessels) after a workout.

* Moisturizing your face after washing;

When to talk to your doctor

Although a red face while running is usually harmless, you should still tell your doctor, especially if you are new to running. If you have other symptoms, such as diarrhea, wheezing, hives, or difficulty breathing, this may be a sign of a more serious illness. Note whether you experience redness under other circumstances. Especially from certain foods or alcohol? Discuss any connections you have noticed with your doctor.

If the redness lasts more than half an hour after a workout or goes away and returns later in the day, it may be a sign of rosacea. If this is the case, treatment is necessary.

Certain medications, including acne creams such as benzoyl peroxide, certain antibiotics, and medications for high blood pressure, can cause redness or make it worse.

You can talk to your doctor about this side effect. It can also help avoid topical treatments that irritate the skin (such as retinol or chemical peels) the night before a planned long run or intense workout.

If you are confident that you are healthy and still have that redness in your face when exercising, be proud of it. Yes, it can be annoying when passers-by constantly ask if you are all right. But at least you know that you can get help someday if you really need it. In the meantime, you have proof that you worked hard. It's worth it!
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