How to lose weight on a separate feed

How to lose weight on a separate feed
Weight loss systems developed by many, some argue that you can't eat after 6, others opposed to the carbs with fats, while others are advised to carefully count the calories even more complicating the lives of people. Supporters of separate drinking protein with carbohydrates argue that for successful weight loss enough to know how to lose weight on a separate feed and follow simple principles.
In this theory in fact there is almost nothing complicated – all the products are divided into three categories – protein, carbohydrate and neutral, and must be used in strict accordance with the compatibility.

The theory of a separate food for weight loss has the following explanation – for the digestion of different nutrients – proteins and carbohydrates require different enzymes and digestive juices, and the environment. If eaten together the starch and protein digestion will deteriorate, will be the accumulation of toxins, that will cause a failure in metabolism and the accumulation of extra pounds. Protein is digested for at least 3 hours, and if to talk about the meat till about 5 hours, but carbohydrates are "burned" much faster due to the fact that the stomach part of food already digested, and the other is not, then the fermentation begins.

In the case of using them separately with an interval of not less than 3 hours, the digestion will be much easier, reduce the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, and you will be able to gradually lose weight on a separate feed.

You cannot mix between high-protein foods – meat, fish, chicken, seafood, eggs, dairy products and starchy food, cereals, pasta, bread, potatoes, bananas, because the body simply will not have time to break down the long protein molecules in the same amount of time required for absorption of carbohydrates. In addition, you cannot add to carbohydrates fats – butter or vegetable oil, as they are themselves high in calories and contribute to weight gain.

Sweet is not the best, because simple carbohydrates are digested very fast and chocolate, eaten after lunch, metabolized before the body will break down everything else, which again will lead to formation of toxins. For this reason, it is better to refuse from the flour.

What can you eat on a separate feed? This low-fat protein foods combined with a low calorie (malouglevodnomu) vegetables – cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, lettuce, radish, pepper. Carrots, beets, potatoes contain more carbohydrates compared to the rest, so they need to eat during other meals. Milk and dairy products, and fruits should be eaten separately from other foods, it is ideal to use them as a snack.
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