Glycogen and the intensity of the training

Glycogen and the intensity of the training
One of the axioms of bodybuilding is to begin high intensity training it is necessary to maximize the muscle glycogen. Glycogen is a polysaccharide, or complex carbohydrate, which accumulates in the muscles and partly in the liver.

When an athlete "sits" on a low-carb diet, he immediately notices two changes in his condition:

1) Rapidly reduced the body weight
2) also rapidly decreases the intensity of the training.

With weight it's simple: the body stores glycogen with water. One gram of glycogen has three grams of water. When glycogen breaks down, the weight is coming off primarily at the expense of water.

And that is why there is a decline of energy? On the one hand, the body does not randomly accumulate glycogen directly to the muscles, it is needed by the muscle as fuel when you exercise. On the other hand, in the absence of glycogen the body can use other sources of fuel, proteins and fats.

Recently, scientists finally decided to make the question clear and to check whether it is important before exercise to "stock up" with glycogen in the heart. Nine athletes to begin with carried out training to lower level of glycogen. And then within 75 seconds worked on the bike with maximum intensity.

Athletes were divided into two groups according to diet: the first before the test has power that increases the level of glycogen (80% carbohydrates), second reduction (25% carbs).

Experience has shown that none of the measured indicators, the amount of accumulated glycogen did not affect the strength or endurance athletes.

Does this mean that the old dogma is wrong?

It turns out that in conditions of intense training the body actually mobilizes all available fuel sources without compromising strength and endurance. Hence, like the conclusion: glycogen stores are not a factor determining the intensity of the training.
this withdrawal of the athlete must take on Board. Reaction replacement of glycogen, proteins and fats is a one-time character. Over time, the efficiency of protein and fat as fuel decreases, and with it falls, and muscle tone.

So if you are a long time do not eat carbohydrates, your strength and endurance will decrease. But if one day you had to go hungry, and you showed up for training with low glycogen stores is not a tragedy. Training you'll be able to spend at the same level of intensity.
Viewtiful. Old school.
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