Diet during drying

Diet during drying
The answer to the question of Dmitri from Ryazan: "What lucsa diet while drying?"
There are no universal "magic" diet. But there are General principles that must be followed and to choose for themselves the most effective solutions. I already talked about diet, about calorie counting. So, what you need to know on the drying?

The basic idea of the diet by drying is a gradual decrease in calorie intake by 10-30%, depending on the progress of weight reduction.

As cutting diet you need to control your weight and the thickness of the fat folds, if you have a tendency to reduce the thickness of fat and body weight 1-3 kg per month, we can assume that everything is in order. Cut diet due to fast carbohydrates and animal fats. If this is not enough — continue to reduce the amount of carbohydrates and fats.

Remember that diet during drying must be balanced. You should consume about 10% of vegetable fats. Eat fatty fish, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which contribute to obtaining relief. Do not exclude carbohydrates completely, there should be at least 40%, carbs should be slow (complex). Slow carbohydrates are found in cereals, baked products made from wheat flour and rye, vegetables, nuts and unsweetened fruit. Take extra vitamins, lack of vitamins can lead to destruction of the muscles.

Eat often — 5-6 times a day, small portions.

Take sufficient amount of protein. About 60% can be obtained from food, the remaining 40% is desirable to take with sports nutrition. The protein stops the catabolic processes and protects your muscles, it does not preclude the drying process. It is better to use isolate or complex amino acids. Be sure to use BCAA.
Diet also means controlling the flow of fluid. The total amount of fluid per day should be not less than 2.5 liters.

Practice shows that good results can be obtained only with a combination of diet and special training.

For maximum results, use the fat burners.

The best products in the diet

  • Lean meat
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Low — fat dairy products-yogurt, cheese, milk
  • Porridge — buckwheat, millet, oats, corn etc.
  • Legumes — beans, peas, beans
  • Vegetables
  • Fruit
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