Which fish is better?

Which fish is better?
Tuna is a source for energy

It is a rich source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are known to be essential for heart and brain function. But the benefits of tuna do not end there — the high content of protein, amino acids, vitamin B3, iron, magnesium and many other substances and elements makes this type of fish just a universal product that can easily replace even meat.

Tuna is also a great dietary product: in 100g of fresh fish-only 150kcal. Canned tuna in its own juice is twice as low in calories as in oil, so it is better for those who want to lose weight. Of course, canned tuna is much less useful, but, as they say, on a fishing trip and canned food will be in place.

Mackerel helps you concentrate

Mackerel in the diet is a good source of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which are very important for the development of the nervous system and muscle growth. Mackerel helps increase your intelligence score, as well as your ability to concentrate and learn. Experts recommend that athletes eat mackerel twice a week.

There is a lot of fat in mackerel – up to 30g per 100g of product. However, this does not happen in all fish, but only in those that were caught in winter in more Northern latitudes. The usual amount of fat is 13G. This is quite enough to consider mackerel an oily fish. As for proteins, the average amount of this substance is about 18g. Moreover, these are proteins that are very quickly digested – almost three times faster than the proteins of beef meat.

Sea bass is the best for weight loss

Sea bass is a great choice for people who are trying to lose weight. White fish is an excellent source of protein. It is recommended to eat it from 3 to 5 times a week. Among other things, this fish is rich in vitamin B12. It is also necessary for the creation of red blood cells and the functioning of the nervous system.


Salmon is a good source of calcium, which helps strengthen bones. It also has a lot of protein and omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids.

Healthy salmon contains a lot of nutritious protein and so-called "good" fat. Just 100 grams of this useful fish provide a person with a daily norm of vitamin D. Salmon is almost the only natural product with such a serious application. The same 100 grams of wild red fish contain half the daily value of vitamin B12, Niacin, selenium, vitamin B6 and magnesium. In canned salmon, there is an increased content of calcium (due to the bones).


The cheapest option is frozen cod. Cod is an important source of vitamins A, D, E and omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. Cod contains a fairly large amount of protein – 16 grams per 100 grams of product. I.e., the protein content in cod is quite comparable to meat products. At the same time, cod protein is a complete protein with a set of all the necessary amino acids for the human body. This means that in the process of restoring and building protein structures, the body will not have a shortage of building materials.

Meanwhile, the amount of iron in cod is significantly less than in meat. Therefore, if you are prone to anemia (lack of iron in the body), meat should not be removed from the diet.

Cod is a dietary product. Cod belongs to the class of skinny marine fish, and the fat content in it is negligible: 0.6 grams per 100 grams of product. Therefore, those people who are concerned about their appearance, or those whose body mass index (BMI) shows pre-obesity or obesity, should pay attention to this product.
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