Laziness or a good excuse?

Laziness or a good excuse?
Each of us has days when the plan is to have a training session, but at the very moment when we need to get together and go to it – we just don't WANT to. Then we try to remind ourselves how much good and fun sports bring us, and what we still strive for. And if we do go to training, we never regret it.

But there are people for whom skipping a workout is normal. They refused to move from training and end up missing them quite often. Such classes, you know, will lead to nothing. Worst of all, these people find excuses for themselves and are sure that they did not go to training for a VERY good reason.

What should I do when I don't want to go to training?
All the reasons for not wanting to train can be divided into hormonal and psychological.

Psychological can arise from anything from a bad mood to depressive States associated with anything in our lives.
But there are also simpler cases when a person loses the drive to train due to the fact that he does not see clear results in the first weeks of training.
Sometimes this is due to the usual laziness, and sometimes-excessive credulity to everything that is written in magazines, the purpose of which is to attract Your attention and create an audience at the expense of trusting people. After all, very often they promise +10kg of dry muscle mass for 1 month or-20kg of fat and a slim figure for two weeks! Achtung!

Fairy tales that people come up with for giving up classes can be completely different.
You know, in the coaching environment, there are TOP of the most frequent "good reasons" from those who cancel training.
Among these" reasons " even such as:
- "I stepped on something and punctured my foot"
- "The management has arrived and I don't know what time my working day ends"
- "I accidentally went to the dacha"
etc. )))

In any case, everyone is well aware that training makes us healthy, strong, big, successful and confident. But how do I train today?

1) Tell yourself that you will only go to training for 15 minutes and leave whenever you want. It's calming, and you don't feel like you have to work out an ENTIRE workout. But when you come to the gym, you are unlikely to leave before the end of the class. And you will not regret that you came after all!

2) Think about what you are deprived of because of poor health or an imperfect figure. Strive for what you train for.

3) Competition is a powerful thing. There is definitely a person who follows your success and, unfortunately, is happy to fail. If you don't force yourself to go to fitness, he or she will think that you have given up. No matter how you justify yourself, the training session is skipped!

4) If motivation tends to zero, it's time to pinch your side. Looking at the crease of fat between your fingers, it is easy to lose laziness and training will seem tempting.

5) Go to the gym or not to go? Going to work in the morning, the slightest doubt is enough to put aside the form. Even if you know for sure that you will not go, still prepare in advance as if you are not going to skip.

6) Fight against laziness and apathy helps a simple motto told to yourself: "If I lie on the couch , it won't get any better!"

7) Also, if you are working with a coach and come up with another excuse for absenteeism, tell yourself: "If I deceive the coach, it will only be worse for me!"

By the way, do not fantasize, and the coach has already heard all this and knows when You are lying. In the future, You will end up on the list of unreliable and the coach will give the hours of classes at peak times to those who go to classes regularly, to those who NEED results. This means that Your chances of making yourself better are reduced.

But hormonal causes occur, for example, due to overtraining, stress, and any other factors that cause the body to have a predominance of catabolic hormones over anabolic ones.

When the body is full of cortisol and its accompanying chemical compounds, the person does not care about anything at all. I don't want to not only train, but just move.

In this case, just change your activity type. If you have been training hard, do a week or two of cardio training only in the average mode, without overwork, feel the excitement of training. Do some exercise in the fresh air. Ride a bike, rollerblades. Play tennis or beach volleyball.

Good luck with your progress!
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