Want to change the shape – change your life!

Want to change the shape – change your life!
"I can't lose weight!" - this problem is faced more and more people around the world. Indeed, it is a common trend: during the diet you will lose weight, but after graduation the pounds are willing to come back, sometimes even bringing friends. All efforts are wasted. The man finally give up to lose weight and starts to blame his fullness bad heredity, environment, modern life and other factors, which he physically is not able to influence.There is a solution!

Fortunately, modern nutritionists have not ignored this problem and made the following conclusions: the usual weight of a person (even if it is clearly excessive) is taken by the body as normal, and therefore the body strives to stabilize and maintain it. Diet is a stressful state, and it is clear that after it the body tries to return everything to its usual course. This creates a vicious circle.

In order to correct this situation, a fundamentally new approach to weight loss is needed – not a strict short-term diet, but more loyal changes for the rest of your life. Where to start?

Increased physical activity

In an effort to lose weight as soon as possible, many go to fitness clubs almost every day and exhaust themselves to the point of death, but enthusiasm quickly fades-and here the stress factor plays a role. The body feels violence and resists grueling training.

Modern doctors offer a good alternative: unobtrusive, natural activity. Instead of watching your favorite TV show in the evening, you can go for a walk in the Park, and get to work (if conditions allow) on foot, refusing public or personal transport. A great incentive, as it turned out, are our four – legged friends-dogs who need to walk twice a day. Such changes in life not only lead to a gradual but stable weight loss, but also help to cope with psychological stress and have a beneficial effect on the immune system.

Calorie consumption monitoring

Nutritionists do not recommend relying on the values given in fashion magazines and Internet sites. Each person's body has its own metabolic rate and other physiological characteristics, and therefore what is ideal for one person can cause serious damage to the health of another.

Experts advise you to listen to your feelings and use trial and error to choose the optimal amount of food for yourself, so that you can stick to it in the future. It is not necessary to go to the point of fanaticism, but it is necessary to keep within certain limits. Over time, counting calories becomes a habit and becomes a natural part of everyday life.

New hobby

Yes, favorite activities may well contribute to weight loss: very often people chew, not knowing where else to stick themselves. A new hobby does not have to be athletic, the main thing is to love it sincerely. This can be anything, including cooking: cooking delicious low-calorie dishes will completely discourage the desire to choke on fast food and chocolate.

Natural food

This is also a very important aspect: chemical additives and impurities do not affect the metabolism in the best way. Sugar, chocolate and other sweets are recommended to be replaced with safer natural analogues-honey, dried fruits, fruits and berries. With this diet, the body receives the necessary amount of carbohydrates, and they are digested correctly, released as energy, and not accumulated in the body.

There are no miracles!

Of course, you need to be prepared for the fact that such an approach will not give rapid and significant results, and in advance to stock up on patience and perseverance. Changes in the body will occur gradually and slowly, but they will remain for life.
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