Vacation. Workout without weights.

Vacation. Workout without weights.
Everyone knows that only training with weights can give You an increase in muscle mass and increase your strength. This is true, however, there are many reasons why you may want to, or even be forced to, train for a while without being burdened. This method has enough positive aspects.

Practicing regularly is the key to success. But one day there may come a psychological fatigue from visiting your favorite gym. After all, even if you really love your job, you get tired of the routine and are happy to go on vacation. So when you visit the gym, a small "vacation" does not hurt, so that you can return to training with new strength and psychologically rested and progress further, improving your body.
The main thing is how you will spend your vacation and training "holidays". The best and most effective way is to change physical activity. It is a change, not a complete rejection of them.

So you're going on vacation.

Exercises performed without weights can be performed whenever and wherever you want throughout your vacation to keep fit. You can perform these exercises in order to develop your muscles and maintain the already gained muscle mass.

Basic techniques for using training without weights

The first technique is to perform the exercises in a normal manner to the point of failure. You can do 60, 80, maybe even 100 repetitions. Do as many repetitions as you can. This technique will help you develop your stamina. And while it won't make your muscles huge, when you return to training with weights and a lower number of repetitions, you will be surprised that your muscles will grow faster than before.

Isometric tension is a simple contraction of the muscles and holding this tension for some time, without movement. To take as much as possible from exercises performed without weights, it is to strain the muscles that you have just worked out and delay this peak tension for at least ten seconds.

Another option for using this technique is to contract the muscles and hold the tension before directly working them out, in order to pre-tire them. For example, contract your chest muscles or triceps and maintain tension for as long as you can, then immediately perform a push-up approach from the floor. This is a very hard technique that gives excellent results.

The next technique is known as"rest-pause". Perform one approach of the exercise to failure, rest for just a few seconds, and perform another approach. How many repetitions can you do in this second approach? I think it's only four or five. You will see how the muscles respond after applying this technique.

b2ap3_thumbnail_rubit. try the following method as well. Let's assume that you usually rest for 60 seconds between sets, then reduce the rest time first to 45, then to 30, and gradually to 15 seconds. What if you do the exercises in one set, one after the other, without pausing between them? And so several times! Circular training is a very intensive technique.

And if you are in the country or in the country. then why not just add a little "folk crossfit"? Add weights, even if they are not metal pancakes, your body will not feel any difference. Perform push-UPS from the floor, you can put your child or wife on your back. They will love to ride. Then immediately run with buckets for water, go with full buckets and do lifts on your toes (part of the water of course spills, so go again) as soon as you bring water, start chopping wood. Finally, put your wife or child on your shoulders again and perform squats.
How many laps do you have? One or two? And more and do not need, you are on vacation ))
By the way, these tips are not just for men. Just choose the load you can handle.
Connect your imagination, you can almost always find a way to increase the resistance.
The pectoral muscles. Detail.
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