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Are you ready to get toned legs quickly? Just know one thing first: in fact, there are no such muscles as "toned". Rather, through strategic exercises and diet choices, you build strength and muscle mass while reducing body fat so that your legs look toned.
Still ready to get to work?Make every training day a leg day

The lower part of the body is the easiest and fastest place to build muscle mass. You have more than 200 muscles below the waist, including the largest muscle in your body — the gluteus maximus.

Although you can do the best exercises to get your legs in shape, everything is much easier. Just start demanding more from your lower body during each movement. For example, stand on one leg for a shoulder press or sit down while flexing your arms on the biceps. The more you work on the lower half of the body, the faster you will see the results. The correct execution of movements is also important.

Pay attention to the muscle imbalance

First, work out your weak side — for many of us, this is the left side. On the strong side, you are always more active and do more repetitions more willingly. If you always work out the weaker side last, for example, when performing lunges, you may be unconsciously strengthening your strong side and not paying the weaker side the extra attention it deserves.

Add explosive moves to your workouts

If you need your legs in good shape, get up from the ground and let them "take off". Take your regular leg training to the next level with plyometric (or power) movements, such as squats with jumps. First, work out the technique of your favorite strength exercises on the lower body, and then add movements to each of them.

Give up ankle weights

Before putting ankle weights on in the hope of strengthening the hips and tightening the legs, consider the following: they can potentially cause excessive stress on the ankles, knee and hip joints and stretch the ligaments. If you want to use them, make sure you know exactly how to use ankle weights to benefit (hint: let them be light).

Do not neglect the diet

Even the best workouts can't compensate for a disgusting diet. Be sure to supplement your hard work at the gym with a healthy, balanced diet that contains enough calories to lose (or maintain or gain) weight depending on your goal. Eat whole, unprocessed foods and drink plenty of water to provide the body with the necessary nutrients to stay energetic and perform well during workouts.

Use a pedometer

Gone are the days of pedometers with a hook on the belt. Your smartphone will be suitable for their replacement, of course. In addition to your regular workout, try to walk 10,000 steps every day. Increasing your daily activity can help you achieve results faster without having to spend extra time in the gym. In addition, regular walks can improve blood sugar, blood pressure, mood and sleep quality. Any time is a good time to step up your walking game.

Don't forget about the rest

If you feel delayed muscle soreness, be sure to let the muscles recover within 48-72 hours before taking up weight again. Delayed muscle pain usually occurs after intense training with a high load, and rest is necessary to give the muscles time to recover and develop strength. But that doesn't mean you can't practice. You can do cardio or focus on another type of workout until your legs recover.

Stand more often during the working day

Get up from your chair more often during the day, this will not only help your legs work more, but can also help reduce your waistline and improve your health. Aim to get up at least 15 minutes for every hour while working to get faster results. However, after so many years of sitting, this is easier said than done.

Choose HIIT (high-intensity training intervals)

Instead of working out for hours on an elliptical simulator, reduce your training time with high-intensity intervals. Weight training will increase your calorie burning rate, helping to burn fat, and increase muscle mass to give you the tone and shape you are looking for.....and you will increase your results.

Stretch your legs

Stretching can help reduce muscle soreness, imbalance, and even help maintain strength when weight training isn't appropriate.
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