
How to meet the budget with the purchase of nutrition for muscle growth.

Do you want to build muscle, but you think that quality food is not available for your budget? Many of us think so, but this conclusion is not entirely correct. Expensive protein powders and supplements are not needed to gain muscle mass.

The truth is that we can build muscle through proper physical training and eating nutrient-rich foods. All this can be done without going beyond the budget.
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How to return to the sport after recovering from COVID-19 and whether it is possible to practice in case of illness.

Regardless of whether you are a professional athlete or an active adult cured of COVID-19, you probably can't wait to get back on the field or resume training. Or, if you have no symptoms or the disease is mild, you may be wondering what you can do while waiting out the infection.
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  719 Hits

Check yourself for iron deficiency!

Iron deficiency occurs when there is not enough mineral iron in the blood. If left untreated, it can lead to iron deficiency anemia, that is, a decrease in the number, size and function of red blood cells.

Athletes, especially women, usually suffer from iron deficiency. It is vital for athletic performance because it helps transport oxygen to your cells. It is also important for brain health and immune function. Knowing the symptoms of iron deficiency can help you prevent it from getting worse and turning into anemia.
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Why regular workouts are actually useful.

Do you know that exercises are useful, but do you know how useful they are? Find out how exercise can improve your life - from a good mood to an improved sex life.

Do you want to feel better, gain energy and even extend your life for several years? Just exercise.
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  944 Hits

10 unexpected foods that can interfere with weight loss.

It would seem that you poured out soda and threw away chips, parted with gatherings with junk food in front of the TV in the evenings. So why did the scale get up on the scales?

Everything can be more complicated than it seems, so you need to be more attentive to 10 unexpected foods that can interfere with weight loss.
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  825 Hits

Extension of the triceps.

Triceps extension is an isolating exercise that works out the muscles of the back of the shoulder. This muscle, called the triceps, has three parts: long, lateral and medial. They work together to extend the forearm at the elbow joint. The triceps extension exercise is called an isolating exercise because it involves movement in only one joint - the elbow.
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  806 Hits

Beet juice is an excellent remedy for health.

Beetroot juice is rich in essential nutrients such as folate, potassium, and vitamin C. It is the main source of nitrates, nutrients that are also found in green leafy vegetables. Since beetroot juice has a strong aroma and strong taste, it is sometimes mixed with other juices (such as carrot, apple and lemon) before consumption to improve the taste.
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  685 Hits

These exercises will help you add activity to a sedentary lifestyle.

To improve your ability to sit down and get out of chairs, get out of cars and other seats, you need to strengthen your calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, hips and body. It won't be difficult if you start doing these exercises and gradually increase his load as you develop strength.

Such exercises are especially relevant for people who have been sedentary for a long time and now want to add activity to their daily routine.
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  801 Hits

What is niacin and what products does it contain?

Niacin is a vital nutrient that is used by all tissues of the body. Eating foods high in niacin is a good way to make sure you are consuming enough of this important vitamin. Niacin can be found in both animal and plant foods. It is also available as part of B vitamins and other supplements.
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  775 Hits

Russian twists are a good exercise for the muscles of the core and back.

Russian twists are a good exercise that strengthens all parts of the abdominal press, especially the oblique muscles, for strong core muscles and a thin waist. By using your muscles to rotate from side to side, you activate the muscle fibers around your waist and also pull in your lower abdomen to create a strong flat stomach. Having learned how to do Russian twists, you will add another basic exercise for the core, going beyond the standard twists.
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  862 Hits

Why are athletes recommended to eat white rice and not brown?

Brown rice is nutritious and recommended for improving eating habits and overall health. However, athletes often adhere to various recommendations for sports nutrition. This includes eating white rice as the main source of carbohydrates for rapid recovery of energy and glycogen. Athletes usually do not try to lose weight and need a lot of carbohydrates to fuel their body.
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  1068 Hits

A fun, effective and warming exercise is the caterpillar.

The caterpillar exercise offers a little bit of everything - it helps to strengthen the muscles of the anterior chain (the front half of the body), while simultaneously stretching the muscles of the posterior chain (the back half of the body). And since it is more or less aimed at your whole body, this exercise makes your blood boil. Therefore, a reasonable solution would be to include the caterpillar in the warm-up plan of a high-intensity workout.

The movement itself eventually looks exactly the same as its name - caterpillar.
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  1094 Hits

What kind of food to eat before and after training.

Exercise is an integral part of any fitness program, so it's good to know that the food you eat can affect the success of your workout. In fact, the right foods can help you during your workout and recover after it's over. And, of course, eating the wrong food or too much of anything can negate all the calories you've burned. So here's a guide on when and what to eat before and after a workout.
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  766 Hits

The Dragon Flag is an effective abs exercise for experienced athletes.

The Dragon Flag is a complex exercise on the core muscles with its own weight, which can help develop greater overall core strength and an incredibly strong, well-defined six-pack abs. Since this is not only difficult, but also causes a lot of stress on the joints, only more advanced athletes and athletes with a high level of overall body strength should try to perform it.
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  1333 Hits

Why do you need meat and poultry with proper nutrition?

Meat and poultry are excellent sources of protein. They also contain many other nutrients that your body needs, such as iodine, iron, zinc, vitamins (especially B12) and essential fatty acids.

Therefore, it is recommended to eat meat and poultry every week as part of a balanced diet.
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  948 Hits

What is an alternating bar and how to perform it.

Alternating plank is a great exercise, especially if you are tired of the usual plank and you want variety. This exercise is a more active variation of an ordinary plank, provides a greater load on the muscles and will definitely make you sweat.
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  1297 Hits

How to understand that you have overtraining syndrome?

Overtraining the body without rest can affect athletes and trainees both physically and psychologically and lead to a condition known as overtraining syndrome. Excessive training can cause a decrease in athletic performance, which can last a long time, sometimes it takes several weeks or months to improve.
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  795 Hits

Why should you eat buckwheat?

Buckwheat is a popular variant of cereals that can be eaten for breakfast as buckwheat milk porridge, and it is also used to make flour for baking, which does not contain gluten. Despite its slightly strange history, buckwheat is considered a badge of honor due to its diverse culinary uses. Buckwheat lowers blood sugar, and at the same time has many other advantages. A serving of buckwheat is rich in protein, fiber and important minerals such as copper, zinc and magnesia. Perhaps when you learn about the potential benefits of buckwheat, you will think twice about your breakfast options.
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  851 Hits

How can reducing the training load help you.

Load reduction is a strategy used by people involved in endurance sports to reduce the amount of training before an event or competition. The rationale behind this strategy is that reducing the load will help you save energy by reducing the need for recovery. This is a way to prepare the body for the event and increase productivity.
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  920 Hits

Why you should perform complex exercises.

Compound exercises are movements that involve more than one joint and muscle group at a time, as opposed to an isolating exercise that involves only one muscle/joint at a time.

For example, lifting the leg to the side involves moving the hip joint and strengthens the outer surface of the thigh and buttocks. If you had changed it to a side step with a squat, you would still be working out the outer thigh, but now you have added more joints (hips, knees, ankles and elbows) and more muscles (quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, biceps and forearms). Flexing the arms on the biceps is another isolating movement that involves the elbow joint and biceps muscles. But what if you had to add a squat? You are not only working out your arms, but also simultaneously working on the main muscles of the lower body. It also makes movement more challenging and increases your heart rate, adding an element of cardio to traditional strength training exercises. All this leads to burning more calories than when performing repetitions of traditional biceps bends.
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