
Which is better during exercise: exercise with a large load or working in static?

Anyone familiar with sports knows thousands of exercises for all muscle groups, different embodiments using various sports equipment. But still, it would be better to work in static or in heavy load? Let's look at what jobs are static and what are its pros and cons?
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  1768 Hits

Useful tips, as always, to stay in shape

Summer is around the corner and many are already thinking about how to him to prepare. Some a couple of months before beach season to buy a gym membership in hope quickly and without special efforts to get in shape. Others adhere to strict diets to lose weight. Both — it is silly and useless. In this article, we reveal effective tactics in the struggle for a slender and toned body.
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  1889 Hits

Functional training in action — this is crossfit

In the modern world the pursuit of a beautiful body has become a mass phenomena. More and more people are immersed in bodybuilding, bodybuilding, and other types of physical activity can lead the body to ideal proportions. Already accustomed to gyms, there was a modern alternative to crossfit.
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  1985 Hits

Workout after the holidays

There are people who even in the holidays, follow a diet and training schedule. But the truth is that these are a minority. To relax sometimes too! But sooner or later the holidays are over, and the body needs loads. How to quickly get back in shape without hurting yourself? Depends on how exactly you spent a long winter weekend.
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  1547 Hits

Relax or workout for the holidays?

Ahead of the New year with its drinking traditions. To holiday office parties, and after a long weekend. I do not want to deprive yourself of a well deserved rest, but also to lose the results of training sorry. Good that you don't have to!
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  1743 Hits

Bodybuilding. Part-8. Training bodybuilder

Talk about the training regimes of Pro.
Training advanced bodybuilder is very different from training a beginner. The differences in the training regimens include not only the weight but also the frequency of the lifting and usually the diet.
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  2161 Hits

Fun fitness: what to try if the workout routine tired?

To prepare the body for the summer, many associated with tasteless oatmeal in the morning, Jogging at the stadium or training on a stationary bike, with it it is already necessary to start now in the autumn. If you have tried conventional methods of weight loss, but was not able to join the number sports people, then you need a creative fitness!
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  2005 Hits

Bodybuilding. Part-3. The reasons for the successful training

Bodybuilding, as they say, the enterprise in which the athlete has the right to vote in respect of progress or stagnation. While there may be many external influences that motivate and/or limit the program of bodybuilding, the athlete has the ultimate responsibility to improve training step by step lead to the original or revised objectives of training.
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  2007 Hits

Overtraining. What it is and how to overcome it?

Перетренированность – совокупность физического и психологического состояний, возникающая по причине того, что выбранный объем тренировочной программы не позволяет организму полностью восстановиться до следующей тренировки.
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  1754 Hits

Basic exercise Tae Bo

Exercise Tae-Bo is designed to teach people how to communicate with the body, combining different elements of exercise that have been developed by different students. With the help of different exercises Tae Bo will create a General workout that will benefit the body and spirit.
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  1863 Hits

The advantages of training in the Crossfit system

Любители спортивного образа жизни с недавнего времени открыли для себя новую методику тренировок – Кроссфит, которая зародилась, как и многое другое, в Штатах в начале нулевых, и очень быстро приобрела большую популярность во всем мире.

В нашей стране с каждым годом все больше спортивных клубов используют этот метод.

Суть системы – это объединение упражнений из разных направлений, видов спорта: гимнастика, легкая и тяжелая атлетика, бодибилдинг и гиревой спорт, другие дисциплины.

Это принцип кроссфита – никаких узких специализаций. Да, непривычно, сильно отличается от того, чем мы занимались раньше, к чему мы привыкли. А привыкли мы к тому, что в каждом направлении спортсмен стремится развить навык, который важен именно для его вида. Легкоатлеты развивают скоростную выносливость, тяжелоатлеты – силу, гимнасты – гибкость и координацию.

В кроссфите все это объединено, комплексно развиваются все навыки. Программа этой методики состоит из чередования самых разных упражнений, взятых из разных направлений спорта, причем, зачастую это делается по системе «пчелка», то есть без отдыха между упражнениями. Как суперсеты у бодибилдеров, только разнообразие упражнений гораздо шире.

Гармоничность развития

Кроссфитеры - это не супермены, они не могут поднять больший вес, чем тяжелоатлет; пробежать стометровку быстрее, чем спринтер, однако они являются всесторонне подготовленными, этакие универсальные спортсмены. И даже звание чемпиона по кроссфиту (есть чемпионаты мира) звучит как «Самый подготовленный на Земле».

Плюсы универсальности

Разнообразие тренировок является одним из главных плюсов методики, нет никакого унылого однообразия программ, вы всегда идете на тренировку с удовольствием. В программу можно включать разнообразны упражнения, и они не заканчиваются просто бегом, поднятием тяжестей и прыжками со скакалкой.

Это может быть и плавание, и упражнения с обручем, различные виды бега, кувалда, медбол и многое другое, на что только у вас хватит фантазии. Чем разнообразнее тренировки и упражнения, тем лучше для организма.
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  1663 Hits

What sport can do for people with osteochondrosis of the cervical

Unfortunately, for many people, the degenerative disc disease of the neck – routine, which has to be tolerated. This disease are many symptoms. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine means that the shoulders and chest will always be a heavy load.
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  2024 Hits

Workout for weight loss: specifics of the building plan

The extra weight is the most common problem in the modern world. Often, many people begin to go outdoors or purchase subscriptions in fitness gyms. The process of losing weight starts, weight is reduced to a certain point and then stops at a certain figure.
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  1845 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Anabolism and catabolism as tame.

Metabolism is a set of biochemical processes that occur in any living organism – including the human body-and are aimed at ensuring vital activity. These biochemical processes allow us to grow, reproduce, heal wounds, and adapt to changing environmental conditions.Most people use the term "metabolism" incorrectly, meaning either anabolism or catabolism.The...
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  9003 Hits
Alex  Hammer

The reflection in the mirror after the holidays

Vacation time is coming to an end. All diligently preparing for the summer, spending a lot of calories and hours in training. Someone was on vacation at the beach, someone in the country or in the mountains. Everyone tried to give his patanatomy body brown in the sun. And the first...
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  3579 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Workout after the holidays

In our life, an inevitable phenomenon called holidays regularly occurs. Of course, in addition to the positive impact – meetings with friends, emotional charging – holidays make us feel remorse, mainly because of the abundant food during the holidays. Our conscience makes us feel ashamed that we show weakness and start...
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  8595 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Testosterone - how to increase.

It is no secret that testosterone can be called the" Holy Grail " of male hormones. Below are safe ways to increase your testosterone in natural ways.The power of testosterone is almost mythical and there are no miracles in this, it can increase muscle and burn fat in the body in...
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  4693 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Can I exercise during illness

I am often asked if it is possible to continue training during my illness. The answer to this question depends on what you mean by the word "disease".Cold? The flu? Allergies? Most people confuse a cold with the flu. Meanwhile, these are two different diseases. Influenza is caused by viruses called...
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  2760 Hits
Alex  Hammer

The pectoral muscles. Detail.

Throughout the history of mankind, a well-formed chest was perceived as a symbol of heroism and courage, so bodybuilding attaches special importance to the chest muscles. The business card of a sporty and enviable torso is not a bicep, as many novice athletes believe, but a powerful chest. Breast training requires...
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  5906 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Vacation. Workout without weights.

Everyone knows that only training with weights can give You an increase in muscle mass and increase your strength. This is true, however, there are many reasons why you may want to, or even be forced to, train for a while without being burdened. This method has enough positive aspects.Practicing regularly...
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  4186 Hits