Overtraining. What it is and how to overcome it?

Overtraining. What it is and how to overcome it?
Перетренированность – совокупность физического и психологического состояний, возникающая по причине того, что выбранный объем тренировочной программы не позволяет организму полностью восстановиться до следующей тренировки.Overtraining is a combination of physical and psychological conditions that occurs because the selected amount of training program does not allow the body to fully recover before the next workout.

Reasons for overtraining

Excessive load. The most common cause of overtraining is too heavy training. This mistake is made by both beginners and professionals. Every person tends to overestimate himself and his abilities, he thinks that he can easily cope with training and exposes his body to such loads, after which it is not able to recover quickly.

Most of the people who train in the gym think this way: the harder and harder I work, the faster the result will come. This is only partially true. Yes, heavy training is necessary, but it is not necessary to give everything and lift the maximum weight at each session, sometimes you need to let the body rest and arrange a lighter workout. Even world Champions can't lift a record weight every training session!

Not enough time to recover. It is important to give yourself a rest. Yes, it can be difficult, because when you start to get involved in sports, the energy goes over the edge, you want to practice as often as possible. In such cases, it is worth reminding yourself that the muscles grow not during training, but during recovery. This is a Golden rule that everyone should remember. Much more results are achieved by training twice a week and giving yourself a rest, than by training every day without breaks.

Poor nutrition. To restore the body needs "building material". That is, proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the right proportions. Without proper and sufficient nutrition, you can forget about a healthy body and a beautiful figure, because the recovery processes in the body will be insufficient.

Unhealthy sleep. Sleep is the time when the body is engaged in self-healing. He does not need to spend his energy reserves on physical activity, the processes of life slow down, so he can fully concentrate on resting and preparing the body for the next day. To avoid overtraining, it is desirable to get enough sleep, that is, to sleep at least eight hours a day.

How do I calculate overtraining?

If a person has:

1) Muscle pain that does not go away for a long time.

2) Constant lack of strength.

3) Poor appetite.

4) there is No training progress.

5) the immune system Deteriorated, and diseases began to "stick" more often.

6) Permanent depression

That, most likely, makes itself felt overtrained body.

How to get rid of overtraining?

First of all, you need to stop training in the gym for a while (at least a week). Next, you should adjust the diet, eliminate fast food, eat more protein and carbohydrates. Naturally, normal sleep during this period is a vital necessity.

After you feel better, you can start training again, but not" from the start", but gradually, starting with a small and with each training session slightly increasing the load, then you will be able to avoid overtraining.
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