What sport can do for people with osteochondrosis of the cervical

What sport can do for people with osteochondrosis of the cervical
Unfortunately, for many people, the degenerative disc disease of the neck – routine, which has to be tolerated. This disease are many symptoms. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine means that the shoulders and chest will always be a heavy load.Frequent dizziness, headaches, numbness of the limbs – all these are the consequences of constricted vessels in the neck, which means that there are problems with blood flow and the brain stops receiving enough oxygen. Few people think about it, but osteochondrosis can eventually cause serious memory problems, and become a concomitant factor of dementia.

Osteochondrosis is a chronic disease, and, therefore, there are no drugs that can cure it once and for all. It makes life much more difficult. Often, doctors can not offer high-quality treatment for osteochondrosis.

In the fight against it, a set of measures is used, medicinal and restorative, one of which is sports. Sport is very important for osteochondrosis of the neck. But you should pay very close attention to what kind of sport to prefer, because osteochondrosis of the neck imposes its own restrictions.

1) swimming Pool

2) physical Therapy

3) Chinese gymnastics (Wushu)

4) Dancing

5) Equestrian sports

In choosing a sport, you need to adhere to one basic rule. You can not put additional load on the shoulders, arms and neck. So, all exercises aimed at these parts of the body, it is better to reduce or completely eliminate.

Swimming is good because it strengthens the entire body, supports muscle tone and is especially useful for the back. This way the neck and shoulders will not be overstressed, but the back and shoulder muscles will be well pumped. This option is one of the safest and most effective for those who suffer from this disease.

There are different types of spores in the water, such as Aqua aerobics. For osteochondrosis, all such types are useful, but it is worth keeping in mind that the load on the shoulders should be minimized. Unlike regular aerobics, water sports are not traumatic and can help, not harm.

The second good option is therapeutic gymnastics. If you do not have the opportunity or desire to visit the gym and physical therapy specialists, that is, therapeutic physical education, then a good alternative can be Wushu – Chinese gymnastics, aimed at maintaining body tone.

There are no sharp, jerky movements typical of other types of martial arts, on the other hand, all parts of the body are evenly supported. Wushu can be practiced without restrictions on age and gender. Training consists of Unlearning bundles of sequential actions that are repeated and interlocked, as in many non-contact martial arts.

Another good option is dancing. But here you should be careful-choose the appropriate type of dance. For osteochondrosis, for example, bochata, salsa is good, but do not stop the choice on hip hop, contemporary with elements of ballet and, in particular, breakdancing, where the load is on the body and neck. Dancing will help both strengthen the body and get a lot of fun – so this is a great option for those who do not like sports, but suffer from osteochondrosis of the neck.

Equestrian sports do not put pressure on the shoulders, but support and strengthen the back and muscle corset. It is also always associated with fresh air, which is simply necessary for all patients with osteochondrosis, because it allows you to get an additional source of oxygen. Equestrian sports, of course, should be chosen only if there is a desire to interact with horses.

Finally, it is worth noting that no matter what sport the lot falls on, you must consult a specialist, as well as a coach, otherwise no one can take responsibility for possible health problems.
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