
Recipe for mini berry chips with cereals and nuts.

These mini berry chips are great because you can easily control the amount of food you consume. You eat enough and satisfy your hunger from just one serving. Top with a ball of vanilla ice cream, or a spoonful of yogurt if you follow a diet or proper nutrition, or whipped cream if you do not limit yourself to eat a particularly delicious treat!
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  1417 Hits

6 tips to help you improve your abs.

Many of us want cubes on the press. While it's not always easy to get strong and beautiful abs, you can always achieve at least a stronger and flatter stomach if you combine a healthy diet with a fitness program that includes endurance, strength, and specific features.
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  1304 Hits

What exercises are necessary if you are over 65 years old?

The right combination of exercise over the age of 65 will help you stay fit and reduce your health risks. At first, it will be difficult to determine the amount of necessary exercises. In 2007, the American College of sports medicine and the American heart Association developed recommendations for physical activity for adults over 65 and for people aged 50 to 64 with chronic conditions such as arthritis.
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  1376 Hits

What is more important - a healthy sleep, or training?

It's as much of a puzzle as what came first – the chicken, or the egg: sleep can give you energy, restore your muscles, balance your hormones, fuel your workout, and help you through the day. Exercise can improve your sleep, boost your energy, improve your mood, and speed up your metabolism. So, if you have 30 minutes to sleep or exercise, what should you choose?
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  1344 Hits

10 most common mistakes when running

All runners at some point have made mistakes during training and racing. In some cases, we repeat the same mistakes again and again. But I hope we can learn from them and take steps to avoid their recurrence in the future. Here are some of the most common mistakes while running and ways to avoid injury and other problems.

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  1373 Hits

Scientists suggest that vitamin D can help in cancer prevention

Often called the "sunshine vitamin" for its Association with sunlight exposure, vitamin D has long been associated with bone health. In the last decade has also been suggested that the vitamin may reduce the risks associated with cardiovascular disease, depression and diabetes, according to the Endocrine society.

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  1225 Hits

Running is the cure for fatigue

Spring, sun, beautiful weather. The perfect time to return to the sport and to start to do something for their health after a long and cold winter. If you overloaded the fatigue of spring, we have advice for you - run. Don't believe? This article will convince you. You will see that if you push yourself, it will affect your vitality.
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  1778 Hits

Ways to maintain physical fitness and rejuvenation

No matter how spiritually developed the person, but on mind only see off and meet all the same on clothes, appearance. And if the appearance is unsightly, even the great sage may not be able to show others that his head is growing not only in order to eat. European civilization from the earliest beginning of its development put in the basis of human relations the simple truth that in the person all should be fine. The development of modern technology provides for the maintenance of good shape a lot of opportunities with minimum costs.
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  2017 Hits

How to breathe correctly during training?

At this point, you probably don't agree with the idea that you need to invest in yourself for a serious workout. You have appropriate clothing, tools for recovery of fitness and you ran past your comfort zone to include yoga in my weekly routine. But you probably thought about how to maximize one of your basic functions: breathing.
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  1798 Hits

How to drink less harm?

The coming new year and Christmas holidays, the human body is subjected to difficult trials. Indeed, in addition to large quantities of food, he will have to deal with the consequences of intoxication. To hangover not take you by surprise, to profuse libations to prepare in advance.
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  1781 Hits

Forgetting about the water during training, you can earn kidney stones

Sports, of course, strengthen the body, but if you do not follow certain rules it is possible, conversely, to harm your body. One of those rules that must be followed by all athletes, is the use of a large amount of water during workouts to avoid dehydration. Otherwise, according to the urologists, and increases the risk of the disease urolithiasis.
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  1726 Hits

Want to change the shape – change your life!

"I can't lose weight!" - this problem is faced more and more people around the world. Indeed, it is a common trend: during the diet you will lose weight, but after graduation the pounds are willing to come back, sometimes even bringing friends. All efforts are wasted. The man finally give up to lose weight and starts to blame his fullness bad heredity, environment, modern life and other factors, which he physically is not able to influence.
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  1744 Hits

Relax or workout for the holidays?

Ahead of the New year with its drinking traditions. To holiday office parties, and after a long weekend. I do not want to deprive yourself of a well deserved rest, but also to lose the results of training sorry. Good that you don't have to!
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  1764 Hits

Fitness for those who have chronic diseases

In this article you can find useful information to those who do not dare to go to the gym because it is very healthy. This article are tips that may be useful for those who have observed some chronic ailments.
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  1912 Hits

Overtraining. What it is and how to overcome it?

Перетренированность – совокупность физического и психологического состояний, возникающая по причине того, что выбранный объем тренировочной программы не позволяет организму полностью восстановиться до следующей тренировки.
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  1773 Hits

Beautiful figure by the rules: simple tips

What girl wouldn't want to have a flat stomach, round ass, slender arms and waist. Hardly there are such people. But to achieve such results is not easy. Of course, on television or via the Internet you can see is the miracle of exercise equipment or miracle-belts, with which you can make a figure of dreams effortlessly.
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  1773 Hits

What you need to do to get better?

Почему саморазвитие играет большую роль в жизни каждого человека.
Что же для человека значить саморазвитие? Многие задаются этим вопросом: начиная от детей и до пенсионеров.
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  1918 Hits

What sport can do for people with osteochondrosis of the cervical

Unfortunately, for many people, the degenerative disc disease of the neck – routine, which has to be tolerated. This disease are many symptoms. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine means that the shoulders and chest will always be a heavy load.
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  2057 Hits

20 tips for newbies in fitness

Fitness is a great way to follow the figure, and just to strengthen health. They can do everything without exception, whether it's adult or elderly, man or woman.

But where to start and how not to throw it all in the first days?
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  1839 Hits

Beautiful body. How to achieve the result without using only workout

Beautiful body, slim figure is the dream of any person. This is especially true before the beginning of the beach season when you want to have a toned body and say "no" to any signs of cellulite. But as you know, one fitness not to save the situation.
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  1779 Hits