How to drink less harm?

How to drink less harm?
The coming new year and Christmas holidays, the human body is subjected to difficult trials. Indeed, in addition to large quantities of food, he will have to deal with the consequences of intoxication. To hangover not take you by surprise, to profuse libations to prepare in advance.Often, the rule that recommends observing the "Golden mean" does not apply here. The soul requires fun, so the use of alcoholic beverages unwittingly gets out of control. And if you think that you can neutralize the alcohol you drink, you are mistaken. It is quickly absorbed into the blood, and within 30 minutes after a libation, 90% of the ethanol you have drunk can be found in its composition.

However, the main processes of alcohol breakdown occur in the liver. It is the source of enzymes that break down alcohol to water and carbon dioxide. With a small amount of alcohol, the liver easily copes with its work. Due to excessive consumption of hot drinks, it does not completely destroy the alcohol molecules, resulting in the formation of acetic aldehyde. This product has a half-life and is the cause of a morning hangover.

Is there any way to alleviate your condition and reduce the impact of alcohol on the body? There are several rules that you will need to start following even in the process of preparing for the party.

Early preparations
Pre-stock up on activated carbon or any other adsorbent, and about an hour before the scheduled meal, take the tablets in accordance with the instructions for the drug. Thus, the effect of alcohol will slow down.
Before attending a festive event, be sure to arrange a dense snack. This way you can avoid rapid intoxication.
In order to avoid alcohol poisoning, you need to drink a Cup of strong black tea with lemon before the Banquet.
One and a half to two hours before the corporate party, you can drink a little alcohol. A small dose (50-100g) will prepare the body for subsequent libations and help the liver to activate the enzymes responsible for alcohol processing.
Despite the abundance of advice, you should also take into account the individual characteristics of the body. For some, these recommendations will become a kind of help-stick, and someone does well without additional help.

In the middle of a party
Don't ignore the snacks. At the same time, preference should be given to light and low-fat food. Then, after each drink, you will give your body the opportunity to gradually adapt to food and alcohol.
Pay attention to non-alcoholic non-carbonated drinks and try to consume them more often than alcohol.
Be active. Move more, dance, participate in competitions. Be sure to try to periodically go out into the fresh air. Movement accelerates metabolic processes and contributes to a faster elimination of alcohol.
Morning activities
The first assistant is activated carbon. 5-6 tablets of enterosorbent will help neutralize the effects of intoxication.
Drinking a large amount of water and any soft drinks will allow you to break down alcohol molecules in the shortest possible time. For this purpose, suitable as mineral water, and pharmaceutical preparations ("Rehydron", "Sodium chloride").
In the case when there is no other means at hand, cucumber or tomato pickle will come to the rescue. Salt, which is contained in the marinade, perfectly copes with the symptoms of a hangover. If diseases of the gastrointestinal tract do not allow the use of brine to relieve the condition, you can replace it with tomato juice.
Despite the invigorating properties of coffee, you should still stop using it for a while. Green or black tea with honey will do much more good. Having a diuretic effect, green tea helps the kidneys to quickly remove the breakdown products of alcohol from the body, and honey neutralizes toxic substances.
Milk also removes toxins. It normalizes the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to drink a glass of milk every hour, until the General condition improves.
Gastric lavage is one of the most unpleasant procedures, but it is more effective than all previous methods. After thorough cleansing, the stomach and intestines will work much more productively, and the body will get rid of its toxic substances faster.
In the absence of nausea, you need to eat thoroughly. Chicken broth, chicken breast soup, or low-fat borscht are suitable as light but satisfying dishes. They not only strengthen your strength, but also help you cope with the consequences of alcohol poisoning.
Less lying down – more moving. Even if you think that you can only cover the distance from the bed to the toilet, try to expand your range of possibilities. First, go to the balcony or street. Then, gradually increase the load during the day. Do a few physical exercises, take a walk in the Park, or go to the store. If you feel well, you can go for a workout or plan a short run in the fresh air. Any motor activity accelerates the processes of metabolism.
If there are no health restrictions, use the sauna. Since the skin also has the ability to remove alcohol, excessive sweating will contribute to the natural cleansing of the body. With an average degree of intoxication and no contraindications, it is possible to use a contrast shower.
Pharmaceutical companies have developed a number of drugs to help alleviate hangovers. "ALCO-Seltzer", "Medichronal" and similar products can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription from a doctor. However, before using these tablets, you must carefully read the instructions and adhere to the dosage indicated in it.
Take care of your health, and don't let alcoholic beverages win over your thoughts, feelings, and actions
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