New gym, or workout at the height of fashion

New gym, or workout at the height of fashion
Sometimes there is a feeling that just going to the gym or attend aerobic sessions today quite fashionable. Program clubs are full of obscure (and sometimes even a little intimidating!) names of varieties of fitness with each passing month it becomes more and more... not to get lost in this diversity? What "Kalari-payattu" and if you need a "Boss"? Try to understand the new trends in fitness fashion!
The Kalari (Kalari or-paattu) – fitness-program is formed based on Indian martial arts. The basic idea is to copy the movements and postures of the most revered and respected animals in India: Cobra, rooster, elephant, lion, boar, horse, Buffalo and tiger.

The class usually lasts about one and a half hours and combines breathing exercises, stretching, and a slow repetition of movements. In this case, how to assure the coaches, it tightens and strengthens even the muscles, it would seem, are at rest during exercise.

Kendo is a fairly new martial art, which is proposed as a fitness program. With it, you will feel at least Uma Thurman from "Kill bill": all the movements in Kendo are performed with wooden swords. This workout will help you not only get in shape but also to develop coordination and attention. Most importantly, don't forget to stretch, which is mandatory for all kinds of combat fitness.

SLIDE ("Slide") – courses that are held on a special sliding surface. Put on special shoes and feel like an athlete at the winter Olympics, because all the exercises that are performed in the "Slide", like the movement of a skater or skier. With these exercises strong legs and glutes, as well as a healthy heart you provided.

BOSU ("Bosu") is another form of fitness where the main role is played by the surface under your feet. A relatively new training device consists of a rubber ball cut in half. Positioning his hemisphere down or up, you will get an unstable surface, so that energy will be spent not only on the exercises themselves, but also trying to keep his balance.

NIA translated to English is "nerve and muscle effects", that is the kind of fitness that is not only (or even not so much) for muscle training, how to reduce the emotional clips, to get rid of stress and tension. Abroad NIA is often called a combination of aerobics and psychotherapy. Training under music are elements from Pilates, aerobics, jazz and even folk dance. The program is designed so that the workout includes the major muscle groups, and nervous system.
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