
Why core muscle strength is so important.

Since crop tops and bikinis have become incredibly popular, there have been many different disputes about having a flat stomach with six cubes. Listening to individual consultations about workouts and diets showed that almost every client says: "I want a press." If you go to the gym, you can see that almost half of the visitors are working on twists, bicycles, and this can make you laugh.

Don't get it wrong, because it's really important to have strong core muscles. But you need to be able to correctly assess the importance of this muscle group!
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  982 Hits

What is the essence of the mountaineer exercise.

Climbing a mountain would be a difficult workout for most, but what if a mountain is a floor? This is the essence of the mountaineer exercise. Performing the exercise from the plank position, you alternately press one knee to your chest, and then pull back again, each time increasing the speed until you "run" on the floor.
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  874 Hits

How to properly perform an exercise on a biceps simulator.

This exercise can definitely promise you big biceps.

This is not the case when a new exercise should replace the standard biceps flexion in your training schedule, it should rather work together with it to add variety to your routine, since it affects the biceps in a different way.
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  909 Hits

Pumping and burning of muscles during training.

"Pumping" and "burning" (or "burning" muscles) is a popular jargon between people who often visit the gym and bodybuilders. These phenomena occur during training and affect how the muscles feel. When you train hard, especially when training "to the hilt", you may notice the following sensations:

* Burning sensation – a burning sensation in the muscles during training

* Pumping – swelling or swelling of the muscles during or after training
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  1069 Hits

Muscle building with prohormones benefits and harms.

Drugs that improve athletic performance are often used inside the walls of the gym, during bodybuilding competitions and by athletes in everyday life. A popular remedy that can be purchased as an additive is prohormone, a chemical compound also known as an androgen, which is sold without a prescription. Manufacturers claim that supplements with prohormone build muscle and burn fat, and, unlike steroids, they are allowed to be used. Many weightlifters, bodybuilders and other athletes turn to steroids and hormonal supplements, such as prohormone, to improve their athletic performance and / or increase muscle size. Learn more about prohormones and the risks associated with using these dietary supplements.
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  1425 Hits

How concentric and other contractions help build muscle.

When we think about strength training, we usually mean the process of building muscle mass. This can be lifting a barbell to build up the biceps or using a Smith simulator.

The actual process of "pushing" or "lifting" in these exercises involves an action known as concentric muscle contraction. By definition, a concentric contraction is a contraction in which the tension of a muscle increases as it shortens.
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  1064 Hits

What is muscle strength?

Muscle strength is the force that a muscle can produce with one maximum effort. The size of your muscle fibers and the ability of nerves to activate muscle fibers are related to muscle strength. It can be measured during muscle contraction. Building muscle strength helps to align and improve the body, facilitates the performance of everyday activities and improves metabolism.
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  998 Hits

Want to be big and pumped up? Then pump those muscles!

Excellent musculature is the goal of many athletes, bodybuilders and professional athletes. But you can't just get big by just pumping up all the muscles randomly. You should take a more scientific approach and pay attention to the individual muscles and muscle groups that are responsible for visual volume.
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  1102 Hits

Hip flexors and their injuries

The hip flexor muscles are several muscles that bring the legs and torso together in a flexor motion. They allow you to raise your leg or knee to the torso, as well as bend the torso forward to the hip. You can stretch or tear the hip flexor muscles due to sudden movements or falls.
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  1388 Hits

Push-UPS to increase and build real strength

Push-UPS to build real strength-learn how to do them correctly, and then make them harder!

these days, push-UPS are either ridiculed, considered useless, or, even worse, forgotten altogether. This is a huge mistake and we need to fix it as soon as possible.
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  1266 Hits

20-minute core workout.

Your core muscles are a complex set of muscles that extend far beyond your abs. These interconnected muscles, extending from the pelvis and diaphragm to the back and thighs, provide strength and stability to both the upper and lower body.
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  1476 Hits

Strong oblique abdominal muscles

Try this spin exercise to develop your core muscle strength in the real world. Pumping them up, you get a bonus: the oblique abdominal muscles are very sexy.
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  1224 Hits

4 reasons why you can't build muscle ( Part II )

Don't grow muscles? Most likely, you admit at least one of the following errors.

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  1458 Hits

4 reasons why you can't build muscle ( Part I )

Don't grow muscles? Most likely, you admit at least one of the following errors.

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  1345 Hits

Fascia – a mysterious super important fabric

In our body muscle is surrounded by a system of thin white shells, which provide the mobility of muscles and joints and allow the organs to work. They are called fascia. Don't forget to take care of them every day.
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  1521 Hits

Amino acid complexes to build your muscles

Amino acids – a kind of building blocks of muscles! Even a moderate deficiency of amino acids can prevent muscle growth.
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  1311 Hits

How to pump up the body

How to pump up your body — this question asks each squishy, after another head strong and arrogant. I want to answer with a fist to the cheek, to cracked. But how do, if can barely stand. Or how to pump up a body to please a beautiful woman.
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  1633 Hits

How not to lose muscle mass during injury?

Как не потерять мышечную массу во время травмы?
Often during training, for various injuries. They usually last a very long time.During this period, many muscles can be weakened as they haven't received the desired load. Some people just want to relax from the constant training, which is quite weak. In this case, muscles can also weaken, as they will also relax. If You purposefully want to relax then don't use these tips, as when performing them, the muscles will not relax so much.
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  2166 Hits

7 weight-composing tips for bodybuilders

Sometimes, whatever severe and prolonged workout, bodybuilders can't even gain 100 grams of muscle mass. To move from the so-called dead point, the athlete needs to do something drastic.
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  1955 Hits

How to grow muscle man

What you need to know about the growth of human muscle for the novice bodybuilder, it is possible to find useful information in this article. It is necessary to know not only how to lift heavy weights in the gym, but know the General physiology of behavior and human development. One word to always follow three main recommendations from famous athletes & fitness trainers: to comply with the sleep-rest, eat right and work out at the gym at least 3 times a week. That is adhering to such advice, it is possible to gain muscle mass or lose weight and give your body an attractive shape.
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  2010 Hits