
Athletes often turn to performance-enhancing products to change their body shape, energy levels and muscle volume. One of the ingredients of such supplements is inosine, a nucleoside contained in muscle tissue. The potential benefits of inosine are related to the fact that it acts as a building block for DNA and RNA, helping healthy nerve branches grow from nerves damaged in the brain and spinal cord. It can also help in preserving adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the main form of useful energy in your body. However, its real clinical benefits are still being studied.Health benefits

Inosine is good for health and can help with serious diseases, including the following:

Treatment of multiple sclerosis

Inosine may increase serum urate levels, which may benefit patients with multiple sclerosis.

Treatment of neurological injuries

Inosine has the potential as a safe, novel, multifunctional treatment for those suffering from systemic complications that spinal cord injury can cause.

Possible side effects

You may experience side effects when taking inosine, although no specific information is provided. These include the following:

* Weight gain. Anyone looking for dietary supplements for weight loss should avoid inosine. Manufacturers sell products with this ingredient to help weightlifters gain muscle mass.

* Elevated uric acid levels. In case of kidney problems, it is better to refrain from taking inosine.


You should not consume this product for a long time. You should also avoid taking inosine if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have been diagnosed with gout. Inosine can worsen gout.


The recommended dosage of inosine is from five to six grams per day or from 1,500 to 3,000 milligrams before exercise.

What to look for

You should buy inosine from a trusted organization, because any level of harmful impurities can create a serious problem for your health.

Other issues

Should inosine be included in dietary supplements to increase the endurance of the cardiovascular system? Inosine does not work to improve physical exercise in endurance sports.

In addition, inosine may not work for short-term aerobic exercise.

Should inosine be included in dietary supplements to improve weightlifting performance? Inosine can help you in weightlifting. Inosine causes muscle potential and an increase in serum lipids. The duration of this effect can reach three weeks.


Be sure to consult your doctor before taking any potential supplements to improve athletic performance. First of all, take care of your health, because your success depends only on it.
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