
6 способов привести ваши бёдра в тонус.

Сильные, подтянутые бедра помогут вам долго ходить пешком и ездить на велосипеде не только ради фитнеса, но и для повседневной деятельности. Действительно, ваши ноги выполняют большую часть тяжелой работы — важно хорошо заботиться о них и убедиться, что они готовы к этой задаче.

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  792 Hits

Hip extension on all fours is an excellent activator of the buttocks.

Hip extension on all fours is an excellent, beginner-friendly exercise for working with the gluteus maximus.

You are preparing for the exercise on all fours, so get on your hands and knees, palms aligned under the shoulders, and knees under the hips, the muscles of the core are tense, and the back is even. This allows you to keep the body as stable as possible when you lift one hip - pull the leg towards the ceiling.
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  1193 Hits

Warm up your thighs with the gate exercise.

The gate is a medium-level exercise with its own weight, which targets the muscles of the lower body, pelvis and core muscles. This is an excellent exercise to improve the mobility and range of movements of the hips. If done correctly, it also allows you to work on balance and overall stability.

The gate is a great exercise that can be added to your program, especially if you want to work on the lumbar muscles that extend from the back of the body to the front. The lumbar muscles are located in the lower back and pass through the pelvis to the hip. This is one of the main muscle groups involved in stabilizing the back.
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  1232 Hits

Butt exercises: effective exercises, proper nutrition

To the buttocks has always been elastic, it is necessary to observe some rules. This applies not only to regular sport, but compliance with the diet. The quality of food and amount of nutrients, the muscles will begin to run properly and acquire an attractive appearance.

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  1952 Hits

Exercises with weights for thighs and buttocks

One of my reader sent me a letter and told how she suffered a long time, but still resulted in the order of their thighs and saggy buttocks. For me it was nice to hear, as at least some positive effect brings my creativity in modern society. And the main thing was to help people in the classroom to improve their physical abilities.
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  2016 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Legs workout

Many beginners may think, " why train your legs when the bench is empty for bench presses?» And even if you have reached the stage where the need to train your legs is no longer in doubt, you may still have questions about working out your lower body.1. Leg workout should...
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  3674 Hits

Stretch marks on thighs.

If you wish your skin was smooth and elastic, these tips for you:1.Taking a shower, apply the scrub on the inner surface of fresh orange peel and RUB it into stretch marks on the thighs for about 10-15 minutes until the red spots. The scrub can be purchased at the store...
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  2951 Hits