
History - how weightlifting developed.

It's easy to look at weightlifters today and imagine that this sport was born in the gym. However, looking back, we can say that in fact it began to appear long before there were fitness centers.

Drawings in Egyptian tombs, for example, depict various items for strength training, such as sandbags. Similar historical practices can also be found in Ancient Greece and Rome.

Although it may seem that even our ancestors also took care of their health and physique, like many of us today, it may not be so easy. One of the theories of the origin of weightlifting is that these workouts were more of a means of survival.
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What is the difference between bodybuilding, powerlifting and weightlifting?

When you first start training with weights, you need time to figure out exactly what each machine does. Olympic weightlifters and bodybuilders have about as much in common as ice hockey players and roller skaters – that is, very little, except for vaguely similar equipment and movements.
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