Alex  Hammer

Anabolism and catabolism as tame.

Metabolism is a set of biochemical processes that occur in any living organism – including the human body-and are aimed at ensuring vital activity. These biochemical processes allow us to grow, reproduce, heal wounds, and adapt to changing environmental conditions.Most people use the term "metabolism" incorrectly, meaning either anabolism or catabolism.The...
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  8803 Hits
Alex  Hammer

The reflection in the mirror after the holidays

Vacation time is coming to an end. All diligently preparing for the summer, spending a lot of calories and hours in training. Someone was on vacation at the beach, someone in the country or in the mountains. Everyone tried to give his patanatomy body brown in the sun. And the first...
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  3523 Hits
Alex  Hammer

The myths of nutrition broscience

These popular nutrition myths for extra strength and muscle mass can lead you to the opposite result. Fortunately, this is easy to fix!The term "broscience" (fraternal science) refers to the dissemination of pseudoscientific information.Not everyone will spend time on self-education (textbooks on nutrition, anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, biomechanics, etc.), and no one...
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  4033 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Women and sports nutrition

Sports supplements for women provide additional benefits in terms of fat burning and lean muscle mass.The ideal figure can only be created by a proper, heavy training regime, which also ensures the production of a large number of endorphins in the body. All calculations show that 80% of success depends on...
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  3250 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Testosterone - how to increase.

It is no secret that testosterone can be called the" Holy Grail " of male hormones. Below are safe ways to increase your testosterone in natural ways.The power of testosterone is almost mythical and there are no miracles in this, it can increase muscle and burn fat in the body in...
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  4628 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Nutrition before and after exercise

Nutrition before, during, and after a workout is of great importance.You already know that sports nutrition has a huge impact on your results. The abdominal press is formed in the kitchen, we are what we eat, and so on, and so on. "Yes, of course," you mutter. "I've heard it all...
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  3683 Hits
Alex  Hammer

The glycemic index is sensitive or not?

Everyone who goes to the gym and tries to eat right has probably heard about the glycemic index. It is worth saying that there is a lot of controversy around the glycemic index, because some experts believe that it should be taken into account, while others say that there is no...
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  3020 Hits
Alex  Hammer

No carb diet

I answer Anastasia's question: "Tell us how effective a carb-free diet is"In order to make sure how effective a carb-free diet is, you can contact professional athletes. After all, they are faced with the task of getting the maximum result in a short time.The main source of energy in the body...
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  3192 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Diet during drying

The answer to the question of Dmitri from Ryazan: "What lucsa diet while drying?"There are no universal "magic" diet. But there are General principles that must be followed and to choose for themselves the most effective solutions. I already talked about diet, about calorie counting. So, what you need to know...
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  2968 Hits
Alex  Hammer

What is the optimal dose of protein?

Although regular physical activity increase protein requirements, more and more researchers come to the conclusion that there is a certain threshold after which excess protein can have a negative impact on the achievements of the athlete. We can assume that our anabolism is severely limited. Although proteins and stimulate them, but...
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  3086 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Proper Breakfast for weight loss

I think a person who set out to lose weight has often heard that a proper Breakfast is one of the main factors in the fight against excess weight. But despite this, a number of questions still arise, such as:What to eat for Breakfast to lose weight?Why is Breakfast important?How to...
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  2974 Hits

Turkey nut sauce.

  3268 Hits
Alex  Hammer

To gain weight without gaining fat

Big, but not fat: a competent approach to gaining muscle mass.Stop swimming in fat while working on a set of weights! Learn how to approach your diet and achieve fantastic muscle growth without the side effects of useless fats.Every bodybuilder wants to be big. Unfortunately, the desperate desire to gain the...
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  2908 Hits
Alex  Hammer

How to determine the amount of calories a day?

This is relevant for any athlete question – count the number of calories. It depends on many things: weight, or the opposite, reduction is associated with endurance and sports performance in General. Now there are many modern methods of determining calorie needs, but I would like to focus on the simplest...
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  2751 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Cardio training for weight loss

Who needs cardio training?Cardio training will help people who want to reduce the amount of body fat and get a relief figure. Such training has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole: it normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, increases performance and endurance, and improves mood.Aerobic training helps...
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  2923 Hits
Alex  Hammer

All about eggs

As they say, "God himself ordered" to write this article today.So.Which dish is easier to prepare? Of course-eggs! Scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, boiled soft-boiled, hard-boiled, in a bag-choose to your taste. Eggs are one of the most important products in fitness and bodybuilding. But what do we know about this product?An...
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  3669 Hits
Alex  Hammer

How to get rid of feelings of hunger

The feeling of hunger is one of the strongest manifestations in humans. Fighting it, if not useless, is very difficult. It's possible, though.The feeling of hunger is associated with only 2 reasons: an empty stomach and low blood sugar.In all other cases, we can not talk about hunger as such, but...
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  2671 Hits

The smoothie recipe for THESE athletes

Strawberry + bananaNumber of servings: 2 - 1/2 banana - 4-6 frozen strawberries - 1/2 Cup low-fat plain yogurt (curd) - 1/2 or 1 tbsp. orange juice - 1 tbsp flax seeds In a blender first mix the bananas, berries, yogurt and orange juice. Add flax seeds and mix again. Nice...
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  4203 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Products boosting testosterone

1. Marine products: prawns, crabs, red and white fish. The product contains such a substance as zinc – which is the main building blocks of the testosterone molecule. Particularly strong effect of stimulation of testosterone have scallops, oysters, caviar, sea urchin2. Nuts: walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, cashews, etc. and especially Brazil nuts....
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  3164 Hits

Add color to health.

Choosing healthy products by color
  3277 Hits