
How to lose weight on a separate feed

Weight loss systems developed by many, some argue that you can't eat after 6, others opposed to the carbs with fats, while others are advised to carefully count the calories even more complicating the lives of people. Supporters of separate drinking protein with carbohydrates argue that for successful weight loss enough to know how to lose weight on a separate feed and follow simple principles.
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  1644 Hits

Mono vs a balanced diet?

Appearance assigns a special role in human life. It allows you to make an impression on the man, his Hobbies, lifestyle, work, preferences. Almost all tend to somehow care for themselves. And one of the ways is maintaining good form. Exercise is very important, but diet is impossible to forget. Balanced diet – the key to health.
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  1503 Hits

Weight loss secrets

Beautiful and slim figure is the envy of many women. Most don't want to diet, considering that you need to give up favorite foods, not realizing that it is actually possible to lose weight if you just know when and how to eat meals. Delicious dumplings with potatoes and white bread, and chocolate all have given some rules.
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  1514 Hits

Unhealthy methods of losing weight: what to avoid?

For the body weight loss is always beneficial. In order to achieve any result, you need to have time, so in order to get rid of the hated kilograms, sometimes you have to spend several weeks or even months. And while there are people who want to spend less of their time and lose weight fast. And some of them even believe that this method of getting rid of excess pounds may not only be effective and safe for the body.
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  1651 Hits

Low-carb diet, like the meaning of life

What woman is not concerned about their appearance? How much effort is to look attractive, to be able to stress your external dignity and hide flaws? Every girl wants to be elegant and beautiful, and these concepts have an important place is given to the figure, which gives lightness, ease and elegance of gait.
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  1522 Hits

Butt exercises: effective exercises, proper nutrition

To the buttocks has always been elastic, it is necessary to observe some rules. This applies not only to regular sport, but compliance with the diet. The quality of food and amount of nutrients, the muscles will begin to run properly and acquire an attractive appearance.

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  1737 Hits

Recipes weight loss from different countries.

Christmas and new year holidays left behind not only fond memories but also some changes in the weight category. In order to lose a few extra pounds, you can use the options collected from different countries.
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  1505 Hits

Want to quickly break down fats? Protein diet to help You

Как часто приходится слышать за столом отказы от вкусной и сытной пищи! «Я сел(а) на диету!» - неужели Вам незнакомы эти слова? Кто-то относится к диете лишь как к одноразовому мероприятию – к примеру, чтобы втиснуть свои габариты в новое платье, а некоторые делают диету своим стилем жизни, способом сохранить здоровье, красоту, и, конечно, фигуру.
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  1506 Hits

Why you need to eat healthy and 5 times a day? Losing weight without diet and harm to health

One of the most important principles of a healthy diet is a balanced meal which consists of 5 parts. This method not only prevents surges of glucose, but also lowers the feeling of hunger, and also provides excellent health or excellent shape.
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  1927 Hits

Restore the figure after the holidays

It's time to pay for what you ate too much and drank too much on holidays. Do you have to lose weight before the New year, then, before the end of the world, to be broken in as much gluttony for a few days? For the first time after the holidays you decide to step on the scales. And sick and sad, and no one weight your to call...
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  1499 Hits

Relax or workout for the holidays?

Ahead of the New year with its drinking traditions. To holiday office parties, and after a long weekend. I do not want to deprive yourself of a well deserved rest, but also to lose the results of training sorry. Good that you don't have to!
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  1558 Hits

Foods that help to lose weight

Our body according to the laws of nature should work like a clock. But there are a number of reasons leading to failures in the body and influencing the accumulation of excess weight (slowing down the process of losing weight):
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  1655 Hits
Alex  Hammer

What meat is better?

Meat has been an integral part of the diet of almost all human cultures since ancient times. Due to the content of protein and essential amino acids, which can not be obtained from other types of food, meat is extremely useful for athletes and people who are experiencing physical activity.Meat helps...
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  3959 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Protein. Plant or animal?

Vegetable proteinsProtein is an essential component of human nutrition. Without a sufficient amount of protein, our body simply will not be able to maintain its vital functions. This is especially true for athletes. After all, physical activity increases the natural process of disintegration and restructuring of muscle tissue, and therefore increases...
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  4502 Hits

Zinc in food and its role in the human body

Zinc is rightfully considered the elixir of youth. It acts on our body at the cellular level, directly participating in the metabolism: this important trace element is part of all vitamins, enzymes and hormones, in fact, occupying 98% of all our cells.The greatest amount of it can be found in the...
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  3349 Hits