
How to do deployments on the press.

Rolling out on the press is an exercise designed to work out the main muscles, including the rectus abdominis, oblique abdominal muscles and muscles that straighten the spine (lower back). It also targets the widest back muscles (upper back) and shoulder muscles. Rolling out the abs on the ball for stability is like a plank, but instead of putting your hands and hands on the exercise mat, you put them on the ball.
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  586 Hits

Why is it so important to do calisthenics (gymnastics).

Does "Kalistenika" make you think about military basic training or about people in retro tracksuits doing push-ups in physical education classes? For some reason, in the modern era of sports trends, the word "kalistenika" has been left behind for several decades.

But in fact, gymnastics exercises are an important part of everyone's fitness program, and, in fact, you probably already do them on a regular basis. Want more details? This article is your guide to gymnastics.
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  807 Hits

Different types of squats.

Squats are one of the best complex exercises for developing muscle strength of the lower body. Complex exercises simultaneously affect several joints and muscle groups to increase physical strength and functionality.

While squats mainly develop the muscles of the front part of the leg and the gluteal muscles, other muscles are also involved. The different position of the foot and the depth of the squat can activate other leg muscles, such as the hamstrings in the back of the thigh, as well as adductor and fine muscles along the inner surface of the thigh.
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  544 Hits

How to use weights correctly and effectively.

Have you ever come home from the grocery store trying to bring all your groceries into the house in one go? By the time you get home, you're breathing heavily and your pulse is racing. It feels like you've completed a workout and you're very proud of yourself for working so hard.

You can recreate this "feeling that you just brought groceries" in your fitness program by including weights in your program. Adding wearable weights allows you to use your body weight, but with an additional load.
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  696 Hits

Do one of the best buttock exercises right - sumo squats.

Being one of the "big three" powerlifts, squats are a sure way to strengthen the lower body and the body. To challenge yourself even more, try doing a sumo squat instead by extending your stance. This option can add variety to your lower body strength training.
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  516 Hits

How to do jerks with a barbell.

Barbell jerks are a hallmark of crossfit. "The most prepared people on earth" seem to effortlessly lift hundreds of kilograms over their heads, landing in squats over their heads or a power rack. The fish seem so light, but years of training have gone into perfecting this technique and learning how to quickly lift heavy loads over your head.

The barbell jerk is probably one of the most technical movements in weightlifting.

Anyone can learn how to do barbell jerks, but everyone should be ready to devote hours, days, weeks, and even years of practice to this. Achieving good results in jerks is not an easy task, but it's worth it, as evidenced by the advantages listed below.
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  539 Hits

Are you worried about your balance? These exercises will help to improve balance.

Balance is a key component of physical fitness. The ability to engage muscles and maintain control in an upright position requires the interaction of many different systems of your body. The ability to balance helps you work safely with maximum efficiency in daily activities, including during workouts. Your muscles, joints, visual system and vestibular apparatus should work together to help you stand, walk or run safely. Your balance, like many other body systems, can be improved with exercise.
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  464 Hits

5 exercises for the legs with dumbbells that will work out every muscle.

Dumbbells are a great tool for strength training. You can use them to build muscle mass, increase strength, improve bone density, or perform exercises with weights for the cardiovascular system that simultaneously increase muscle endurance.

Dumbbells are also extremely versatile and take up less space than barbells or exercise machines. When it comes to leg training, dumbbells help increase strength or muscle mass by providing more weight than just your body weight.
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  644 Hits

Is it possible for expectant mothers to train.

Pregnancy is a difficult time for many, both physically and mentally. Your body changes in several ways to adapt to a growing baby. In fact, carrying a child is a very responsible event, comparable to running a marathon for 9 months.
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  580 Hits

How to do exercises with your own weight and why they are important.

Training with your own weight is an effective and convenient form of exercise, suitable for any level of physical fitness. Movements with their own weight can be added to traditional strength training, to cardio programs, or used separately. Using versions of exercises with your own weight is a great and safe way to learn how to perform movements correctly.
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  655 Hits

Save your muscle mass with these 6 exercises.

Loss of muscle mass is sometimes inevitable, but it's worth knowing how to deal with it. Loss of muscle mass occurs with weight loss, lack of protein in the diet, sedentary lifestyle, aging. However, exercise with weights and a proper diet in most cases can prevent most, if not all, loss of muscle mass.
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  637 Hits

Want visible abdominal muscles? Here are the best exercises for the press.

Many people strive to build stronger and slimmer abdominal muscles (or abs). Abs are the muscles around the abdomen and navel, which are often called the "six-pack press". If you are interested in reducing abdominal obesity and getting a slimmer mid-body, here are a few key factors to consider:
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  596 Hits

Stretching before going to bed, which will help you relax.

Are you ready to include a stretching ritual in your bedtime routine? Consider doing several of these stretches before going to bed for a total of 15 minutes every night. Although it is better to perform each stretch for three to five minutes (which means that at best stretching can take 20-30 minutes) to fully open the body, this may not seem feasible if you are new to stretching. In such cases, try to gradually increase the duration.
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  631 Hits

How to safely build muscle with nutrition and exercise.

Building muscle mass is a common fitness goal. Muscles not only make you look and feel stronger, but also reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, including diabetes, high blood pressure and osteoporosis.

But learning how to apply the best nutrition strategy to gain lean muscle mass can be difficult. Nutrition for muscle development is different from a simple attempt to reduce body fat. Muscles are a highly active metabolic tissue that requires significant nutrients for recovery and growth, especially after heavy training.

Since most women naturally have less testosterone than men, the process of building muscle mass may be slower. Some women also shy away from eating for muscle growth due to concerns about fat gain. This misconception can lead to a restrictive diet that does not promote muscle growth and relief.
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  670 Hits

How to master one of the most difficult exercises - push-ups planche.

Take your workout to the next level by practicing planch push-ups in combination with other advanced exercises such as handstand push-ups, pull-ups and bench press.
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  752 Hits

How exercise can affect hunger.

Have you ever finished a workout and felt like you wanted to eat a lot of food? Did you finish your workout and feel that you are not hungry, although you thought you would be hungry? Both of these situations are real examples of how exercise affects your appetite. You might think that exercise always makes you feel hungry, but in fact it's much more complicated.

Exercise can increase or decrease your appetite depending on the type of workout, your physiology, and your current diet. Knowing how exercise affects hunger can help you plan your meals before and after a workout, as well as develop a meal strategy to speed up the fitness progress you're aiming for.
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  709 Hits

Exercises for beginners to strengthen and tone your hands.

How to tone your hands

In truth, there is really no such thing as "toning". By this it would be more correct to mean greater clarity of the muscles. Although the answer is multifaceted — it includes more precise macronutrient intake and the type of strength training you do — you can achieve the desired result with simple but strategic planning. Although lifting weights is one of the surest ways to build lean muscle mass, do not forget about the strength of exercises with your own weight.
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  758 Hits

What are pistol squats and why are they so difficult.

People who have gone through many different exercises and workouts may consider that they have learned almost the entire range of sports training. But one exercise continued to elude them: squats-pistols.What are gun squats and why are they so difficult?Pistol squats are one—sided exercises, meaning they work one leg at a...
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  845 Hits

Can exercises with your own weight build muscle mass.

You already know that lifting weights will help you build muscle mass. But if you train at home without any equipment other than your own body, you may wonder if you will see an increase in muscle mass. The simple answer is: you can certainly build muscle mass without all those pancakes and barbells. But, of course, the story of using self—weight training to build muscle mass is not all. Here's what you need to know.
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  702 Hits

About the sensational exercise - pelvic clock.

The pelvic clock is a very subtle exercise on the mat. Imagine that you have a watch lying in the bottom of your stomach. Twelve hours is the navel, 6 hours is the upper part of the pubic bone. Your pelvic bones are in positions 9 and 3. You engage the abdominal press to move the pelvis just a couple of centimeters or so in each direction. The goal is to make this movement smoothly with the help of the press, not the back. You isolate the movement of the pelvis so that the upper body remains motionless and relaxed, and the hip joints allow the pelvis to move without affecting the legs. Use this exercise to better understand the position of the abs, pelvis and spine.
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  1475 Hits