Mono vs a balanced diet?

Mono vs a balanced diet?
Appearance assigns a special role in human life. It allows you to make an impression on the man, his Hobbies, lifestyle, work, preferences. Almost all tend to somehow care for themselves. And one of the ways is maintaining good form. Exercise is very important, but diet is impossible to forget. Balanced diet – the key to health.Mono-diet: concept and use

Who has not heard about separate nutrition? When protein food is eaten with protein foods, vegetables with vegetables etc. But nutrition has stepped into this matter much further. Now there is a bunch of mono-diet. What mono-diet?

Mono-diet is a specific way of eating that meal based on a single product. For example, you need to eat only beets for the week and nothing more. This method is effective, but it has nuance. The body is not got a sufficient amount of nutrients, you need to replace it. Taking vitamin complexes, a large quantity of water, and continued monitoring of the condition of his body. If bad symptoms appear, it is better to diet to stop.

There are some of the most popular mono-diet, to get many positive user reviews.

1. Buckwheat porridge. Porridge with hot water at night and all – ready Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Suitable for overweight people, it is not recommended to "sit" on a diet more than two weeks.

2. Cheese mono-diet. Also includes 4 meals, limited only by the cheese. The serving size should not be more than 200 grams per meal.

3. The carrots and apples. Leaders weight loss. This includes the mono-2 product. You can eat them separately, but you can make the salad, but the apples should not be too sweet. More than a week of sitting is not recommended. And it rarely turns out.

4. Watermelon. Especially good a few days a year is only a watermelon. The downside is the high sugar content in watermelon. There are so many it is impossible.

In favor of a balanced diet are, first and foremost, athletes.

A balanced diet. What does it consist of?

A balanced diet is a mode of eating in which one eats food that meets the body's need for energy consumption.

From the definition one can guess that a balanced diet should be chosen individually, taking into account the individual needs of the human body. However, a balanced intake of food the average person should include not only carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and min. substances.

An important principle of healthy nutrition is the right way of life. You can't eat junk food a month, and then to expect that in a week proper diet everything will work out. This is, primarily, a way of life and thinking. Food – not as a way to bring pleasure and as a way to make yourself healthy.

Unconditional is the fact that a balanced diet has no contraindications, unlike the mono-diet. But if you already have a weight problem, it sometimes makes sense to choose a diet.
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