The cardio

The cardio
Cardio is not only effective in the fight against obesity. The important role of cardio is strengthening the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The undoubted benefits of cardio:
  • The enrichment of oxygen;
  • Burning extra calories;
  • Improving the overall health;
  • Improving the flow of oxygen in the brain cells;
  • Protection against the development of atherosclerosis;
  • Improving blood pressure;
  • The slowing of the aging process and strengthen bone mass;
  • The development of muscle strength.
It is important to choose a trainer and figure out how to calculate the frequency of maximum pulse. Pulse – the main parameters which you should monitor during class. To calculate your maximum heart rate can Karvonen by the formula: 220-age – the maximum frequency in men and 226–age – female figure. It is also necessary to calculate the heart rate in which excess fat is most effectively burned. A good measure of the frequency of the pulse is 70% of maximum. For example, you are thirty years old woman, your maximum heart rate will be 196 beats/minute, 70% of the maximum score would be 137.

It is worth considering that such calculations are approximate. Don't forget, that the magnitude of the pulse is influenced by such factors as fitness and body weight, ambient temperature and presence of harmful habits.

Making estimates of their performance, you can safely proceed to the choice of the simulator.
Then you need to focus on the overall functionality of the body, the condition of the spine and joints.
For example, osteochondrosis or trauma of the ligaments of the knees, is not recommended (and in some cases prohibited) to run, because it creates a shock load and exacerbates the disease or injury.
That is why, in fitness clubs include "fitness test".
Choosing a good fitness trainer
Pills, diets or sport?

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