How to use weights correctly and effectively.

Have you ever come home from the grocery store trying to bring all your groceries into the house in one go? By the time you get home, you're breathing heavily and your pulse is racing. It feels like you've completed a workout and you're very proud of yourself for working so hard.

You can recreate this "feeling that you just brought groceries" in your fitness program by including weights in your program. Adding wearable weights allows you to use your body weight, but with an additional load.Not only can you add them to your strength training, but you can also wear them when you go out for a walk or jog to improve cardiovascular health. Here's what you need to know about the benefits of weights and how to use them effectively.

Advantages of weights

One of the advantages of weights is that they help to lose weight. Wearing a weighted vest reduces body weight and fat mass. This is because heavier loads increase energy consumption to provide energy for the inevitable increase in physical activity.

Another great feature of them is their ease of use. All you need is your body. Depending on the type, the weights are compact, and some are lighter in weight, so you can take them with you on the road. You don't need extra space or a complicated program when using wearable weights. You can just walk around in them and it will add to the load.

Wearing weights is an option if you have an injury or a degenerative joint disease (for example, arthritis), which makes it difficult for you to hold weights in your hands. Carrying a weight fixed on your limbs, instead of holding it, will allow you to keep fit.

There are no age restrictions for weights, which makes them even more attractive. Since many of them weigh a little, they are available to everyone, from teenagers to the elderly. Everyone can benefit from different types of wearable weights.

Types of weights

There are three main types of weights. These include wrist weights, ankle weights and weighted vests.

Wrist weights can in some cases replace dumbbells, and they are worn on the wrists. They usually weigh from 0.5 to 5 kg.

Ankle weights are great for increasing the load on the legs. They are worn on the ankles and provide additional resistance to leg movements. You can find them from 0.5 to 10 kg.

Weighted vests provide a greater load on the whole body. The weight options for them vary greatly, as most of them have pockets where you can add or decrease weight as you wish.

How to use weights

You can use weights as a supplement to both strength and cardiovascular exercises. If you are a beginner, you should start with lighter weights that you carry for less time.

As you get stronger, you can use heavier weights. It is important that as your body gets stronger, you continue to increase weight in order to continue to see results. Here are a few ways to use wearable weights.

Ankle Weights

Ankle weights can be used during strength training to add resistance to exercises on the lower body. With age, it becomes increasingly important to reduce the risk of falls by increasing the strength of the lower limbs and trunk.

To build up this strength, it is recommended to wear ankle weights, especially for mature people. But it's never too early to start. You can also wear them for a walk or jog to complicate the task.

Ankle weights are useful not only for the lower body, but also for high-level core muscle training.

Wrist weights

Wrist weights are a great addition to your home fitness equipment because you can use them just like dumbbells, but they are attached to your wrists. They can also be worn while walking or running.

Walking with a weighted wrist can really improve the quality of walking. And when you have weights on your wrists, you expend more energy, which allows you to increase the intensity of walking or running without increasing speed.

Weighted vests

Wearing a weighted vest during a workout will give you more opportunities for the whole body. Just like wrist and ankle weights, they can be used while walking or running, and they will automatically add more complexity.

Another way to use a weighted vest is to wear it during a regular workout. Whether you're doing high-intensity, strength training or something else, you can wear a weight vest.

The load from the weight should be evenly distributed to prevent any injuries or functional disorders of the lower body. With proper use, there will be no changes in gait.

Safety Tips

You should talk to your doctor before starting a new fitness program, especially if you have any current or past injuries.

You need to start slowly and easily, adding wearable weights gradually. Start by wearing them for a few days, and then increase the frequency of wearing and increase the weight. Make sure your weights are evenly distributed to avoid any imbalance of your body as well as prevent injury.


Weights are an easy way to complicate any workout with your own weight. They are useful for people of all ages and even effective for people with joint diseases.

Wearable weights can also contribute to weight loss because they cause a higher heart rate and increase energy expenditure. Not only do they work with strength training, but you can also wear them while walking or running. If you want to make your workout a little more difficult, try adding weights to your program for additional resistance to movement.
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