How to get rid of feelings of hunger

How to get rid of feelings of hunger
The feeling of hunger is one of the strongest manifestations in humans. Fighting it, if not useless, is very difficult. It's possible, though.
The feeling of hunger is associated with only 2 reasons: an empty stomach and low blood sugar.
In all other cases, we can not talk about hunger as such, but about a particular eating habit: the habit of eating by the hour, the habit of eating stress, the habit of sweets, etc. These feelings have nothing to do with real hunger.
We will analyze each of the reasons separately, and then try to work out ways to get rid of the feeling of hunger.

What is the reason for feeling hungry
1. Low blood sugar
Lowering blood sugar is the most powerful stimulus that affects the feeling of hunger.
If the sugar level has decreased, the body perceives this condition as threatening its existence. This is especially true for brain activity. Because the very first thing the human body tries to save is the brain. And the brain needs glucose, without which it cannot exist.
When the blood glucose (or sugar, which is the same thing) drops, the body sends a signal to the brain about this condition. As soon as this happens, the brain sends signals to the endocrine system, stimulating the release of the hormone glucagon, which in turn stimulates the transfer of glycogen stores to the form of glucose.
If there is enough glycogen in the liver, then the sugar level gradually rises to normal, and the feeling of hunger may recede.
But if the glucagon is released, but there is no glycogen in the liver, then an extremely serious condition of the body occurs. In parallel with a strong feeling of hunger, there is a tremor (trembling) of the limbs and even the entire body.
When this condition occurs, you must urgently take at least a small amount of carbohydrates to increase your sugar level.
2. An empty stomach
An empty stomach also affects the appearance of hunger. However, it does not pose a threat to the vital activity of the body.
If a low blood sugar level forces the body to use all the methods available to it to provide nutrition to the brain (such as gluconeogenesis and fat breakdown), then an empty stomach will only gradually shrink, returning to normal size.
On the other hand, even if the stomach is filled to the brim, but the sugar level does not rise, it will contribute to overeating, because the feeling of hunger will not disappear: for the body, the most important indicator is the blood sugar rate. The stomach is just a normal limit on the amount of food you eat.

How to get rid of hunger
1. the feeling of emptiness in the stomach can be quickly eliminated by simply eating a certain amount of food. This is called "starve the worm".
2. Low blood glucose levels raise the actual glucose, or carbohydrates from food.
3. When used simultaneously protein and starchy foods will raise the sugar level in the blood, and the receptors of the stomach will be for a long time to send a signal about saturation.
4. If your blood sugar is low and you can't eat carbohydrates, you can use a simple trick.
It is enough to make one approach of any physical exercise (high-speed acceleration in running, pull-UPS, push-UPS, squats) to the limit, and this will be enough to make the feeling of hunger disappear.
After physical work, lactate is released into the blood from the working muscles, gets to the liver and is processed there into glucose. Glucose will immediately be released into the blood and raise the sugar level to normal. The feeling of hunger will disappear.
If the acidification is strong, the released lactate will last for quite a long time – from several tens of minutes to an hour. If not, then such physical movements will have to be performed quite often.
This process is called gluconeogenesis-the production of glucose from non-carbohydrate compounds (lactate, pyruvate, even proteins).
Our muscles store a much larger amount of glycogen (a spare form of glucose) than the liver. But since glycogen molecules are large, they are not able to independently penetrate the membranes of muscle cells. And the lacate molecule freely does this.
Therefore, if there is a need to quickly raise blood sugar levels and drown out the feeling of hunger, then a little physical exercise is excellent for this.
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