GUARANA - natural energy drink in sports nutrition

If you prefer natural products, energy drink "Guarana" created for you. Produced using natural extract, the medium supplemented with a complex of vitamins and magnesium.
Guarana in its composition contains caffeine, and in a form less aggressive than those in coffee beans. Due to this property, it is much more slowly absorbed into the blood, creating prolonged effect on the body and thus does not harm the heart muscle. The same caffeine effect on mental activity and allows you to stay awake and focused. The tool provokes the release of adrenaline, the action of which the fats break up faster. Due to its unique composition (amides, resin, saponin, amino acids and other) guanine is an effective natural Energizer.

"Guarana" is a great tonic. Performance and endurance with her training increased. Metabolism also speeds up. After intensive training you will notice that the body will need less time to fully recover.

Product is packaged in bottles of 11 ml, which means convenient to take with you to practice.
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