
What are the gainers and who needs them?

Creatine is one of the supplements that you are using for best results during intense training. Sports nutrition in the form of Creatine facilitates the rapid recruitment of muscle mass, moreover, composed of natural and fast digestible proteins and carbohydrates, and vitamins and minerals. All of the components together ensure a...
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  1496 Hits

Bodybuilding. Part-6. Nutrition bodybuilder

For most people who made a choice in favor of professional bodybuilding, the sport is a meaning of life. At the same time, there is a huge number of Amateur bodybuilders who lack a little bit to go in professional sports. Too often, the thing they lack, is getting proper nutrition.
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  1610 Hits

Bodybuilding. Part-7. Sports nutrition — your best partner during exercise

Sweating without replacing anything lost nutrients — it's practically suicide! And if you think sugar and multi-colored "sport" water will help to correct this situation, think again.
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  1777 Hits

Especially in the female sports nutrition

The main disadvantage of the female body is that girls body accumulates fat much faster and more readily than men. And then too slow to get rid of them. Moreover, in the case of stress it with renewed energy begins to absorb nutrients. Even if the stress is physical exercise and strict diet.
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  1668 Hits

Restore the figure after the holidays

It's time to pay for what you ate too much and drank too much on holidays. Do you have to lose weight before the New year, then, before the end of the world, to be broken in as much gluttony for a few days? For the first time after the holidays you decide to step on the scales. And sick and sad, and no one weight your to call...
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  1506 Hits

Why you need to eat healthy and 5 times a day? Losing weight without diet and harm to health

One of the most important principles of a healthy diet is a balanced meal which consists of 5 parts. This method not only prevents surges of glucose, but also lowers the feeling of hunger, and also provides excellent health or excellent shape.
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  1938 Hits

Want to quickly break down fats? Protein diet to help You

Как часто приходится слышать за столом отказы от вкусной и сытной пищи! «Я сел(а) на диету!» - неужели Вам незнакомы эти слова? Кто-то относится к диете лишь как к одноразовому мероприятию – к примеру, чтобы втиснуть свои габариты в новое платье, а некоторые делают диету своим стилем жизни, способом сохранить здоровье, красоту, и, конечно, фигуру.
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  1515 Hits

Recipes weight loss from different countries.

Christmas and new year holidays left behind not only fond memories but also some changes in the weight category. In order to lose a few extra pounds, you can use the options collected from different countries.
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  1516 Hits

Low-carb diet, like the meaning of life

What woman is not concerned about their appearance? How much effort is to look attractive, to be able to stress your external dignity and hide flaws? Every girl wants to be elegant and beautiful, and these concepts have an important place is given to the figure, which gives lightness, ease and elegance of gait.
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  1529 Hits

Weight loss secrets

Beautiful and slim figure is the envy of many women. Most don't want to diet, considering that you need to give up favorite foods, not realizing that it is actually possible to lose weight if you just know when and how to eat meals. Delicious dumplings with potatoes and white bread, and chocolate all have given some rules.
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  1525 Hits

Mono vs a balanced diet?

Appearance assigns a special role in human life. It allows you to make an impression on the man, his Hobbies, lifestyle, work, preferences. Almost all tend to somehow care for themselves. And one of the ways is maintaining good form. Exercise is very important, but diet is impossible to forget. Balanced diet – the key to health.
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  1513 Hits

Who and why we need protein

Most people, not understanding the meaning of the word protein, clocked myself that this is some kind of steroid, but it is not. The protein translated from the English language simply means protein. But as taught in school: proteins, fats and carbohydrates, eating in our everyday food.
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  1760 Hits

Well-known bodybuilders about diets

One of the most successful athletes of the bodybuilding, in fact, allow yourself that says, relax and accumulate fat in the offseason. But still, a certain increase in the body mass present. The reason for this is the impossibility of the realization of attempts to reduce the fat to 5% in connection not only with the physiological nature, but also mental.
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  1718 Hits

Glutamine – sports nutrition

Glutamine is one of twenty conditionally essential amino acids. It is one of the substances that make up our body, namely blood and muscle. Therefore, the amount of glutamine in our food directly depends on the growth of muscle mass. If you decide to spend time sport, you need to remember that in our daily diet is not always necessary for effective training, the content of glutamine. Therefore, for people who lead an active lifestyle, you need to take care about additional sources of this amino acid. As a rule, athletes buy glutamine in a special health food store.
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  1307 Hits

Top 3 causes of failure with diet

The food in the minds of people that losing weight is the greatest evil. Accordingly, their slogan is “eat Less and move more – and the figure will fire!” Something like the sound of "universal" weight loss formula.
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  1372 Hits

How to handle with hunger during weight loss?

Many people are afraid to diet because of fear constantly experience hunger. They think this feeling will haunt them always. But it's fiction! Really worth a little work on your diet and the hunger will disappear.
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  1211 Hits

Nutrition before and after workouts

Regardless of what purpose you're a keen runner, there are some very simple rules of supply, which must be adhered to. To any reasonable person these rules as axioms, we adhere to in everyday life is intuitive, however, as soon as it comes to something new and unfamiliar - get lost, turn to the Internet and received in full - a million conflicting advice.
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  1161 Hits

Glycemic index: what you need to know about it dieters

That, in addition to nutritional value, we should also consider its glycemic index, found out recently, as it was originally used in the treatment of obesity. On a GI product can be found:
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  1306 Hits

What you need to know about keto diet?

Keto-diet - diet low carbohydrate, high fat and moderate protein level, which causes the body to burn fat for energy, which creates ketosis. It is effective for weight loss.
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  1400 Hits

Carbohydrates. Rules and regulations power

Carbohydrates are directly involved in building cell structures, provide osmoregulation and osmotic pressure, perform prescription option.
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  1227 Hits