
Лучшие упражнения на квадрицепсы для сильных ног.

Четырехглавые мышцы, или «квадрицепсы», в первую очередь отвечают за сгибание и разгибание бедра в коленном суставе, что позволяет вам выпрямлять колено. Они также помогают стабилизировать коленную чашечку. 

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  590 Hits

Vertical extension of the legs on the simulator.

Leg extension is an exercise usually performed on a lever simulator. You sit on a soft seat and lift the soft crossbar with your feet. The exercise mainly involves the quadriceps muscles of the anterior surface of the thigh — the rectus femoris and the broad thigh muscle. You can use this exercise to increase lower body strength and muscle relief as part of strength training.
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  711 Hits
Alex  Hammer

The leg press or gakk-squats?

In bodybuilding there are two effective exercises, sighting and loading the quads is gakk-squats and leg press in the simulator. Thus, answering the question of which of these exercises will be most effective, we will face a divergence of opinion – some athletes will argue that Sakr-squats are better, others that...
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  8550 Hits