
Vertical extension of the legs on the simulator.

Leg extension is an exercise usually performed on a lever simulator. You sit on a soft seat and lift the soft crossbar with your feet. The exercise mainly involves the quadriceps muscles of the anterior surface of the thigh — the rectus femoris and the broad thigh muscle. You can use this exercise to increase lower body strength and muscle relief as part of strength training.
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  512 Hits

What is so useful about one of the representatives of citrus fruits - grapefruit.

Grapefruit is a hybrid of orange and pomelo, which appeared in Barbados in the 18th century. Today you can find this subtropical citrus fruit all year round in most grocery stores. The inner part can be white, pink or ruby, the bright yellow skin can vary in different thickness.

Many people eat grapefruit halves raw and sprinkle with sugar or honey. But it can also be grilled or served as a dessert according to various recipes. Grapefruit can be added to salads, salsa or sliced and served with fish. Since grapefruit is low in calories and is a good source of fiber and vitamin C, it can be a great addition to your diet.
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  566 Hits

How to use weights correctly and effectively.

Have you ever come home from the grocery store trying to bring all your groceries into the house in one go? By the time you get home, you're breathing heavily and your pulse is racing. It feels like you've completed a workout and you're very proud of yourself for working so hard.

You can recreate this "feeling that you just brought groceries" in your fitness program by including weights in your program. Adding wearable weights allows you to use your body weight, but with an additional load.
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  685 Hits

Полезная тыква для вашего организма.

В то время как у многих из нас есть любимый рецепт тыквенного пирога, который мы готовим на праздники, богатые запасы питательных веществ тыквы делают ее здоровой пищей, которую можно употреблять круглый год, в сладких и соленых блюдах.

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  2215 Hits

What the expiration dates of products actually mean. Food safety.

Since the introduction of expiration dates, most people have started referring to these dates when deciding whether to leave the product or throw it away. However, the date printed on the side of a milk carton or a loaf of bread is not necessarily a guarantee of product safety or its absence. When using various labels, such as "sell before", "use before", the interpretation of the true value of the expiration date can be confusing.

Here's what different expiration dates of products really mean, how long you can store expired products and how to get the most out of your products so that no food (or money) is wasted.
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  641 Hits

What will happen if you perform cardio on an empty stomach.

What is fasting cardio?

Fasting cardio is when you exercise on an empty stomach in a state of fasting, usually in the morning before the first meal. The theory is that exercising on an empty stomach or after a long period of fasting can lead to greater fat loss. Although there are professionals who adhere to this theory, it is still the subject of heated debate in the fitness world.

The effectiveness of the theory of fasting cardio remains controversial, and, ultimately, the decision on whether to exercise on an empty stomach or not is yours. If you decide to do cardio training on an empty stomach, it has drawbacks that you should be aware of.
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  552 Hits

Learn more about weight gain.

If you're trying to build muscle, but it seems like it takes forever, maybe your diet isn't enough to support the muscle growth you're aiming for. This is due to the fact that in order to stimulate muscle protein synthesis, you need a large number of calories, which are not easy to get if you are also trying to maintain or lose weight.
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  458 Hits

Make your athletic walking technique perfect.

Excellent walking technique for fitness will provide you with greater comfort, strength and speed. Whether you're a beginner or looking to improve your walking workouts, these four steps will make a difference.

Many people start walking without thinking about the correct form of walking. But your posture, leg movement, gait, and use of hand movements greatly affect your walking speed and ability to walk energetically.

Learning the correct posture when walking will help you breathe deeper, relax your shoulders and neck and avoid back and hip pain. Using the movements of the right arm and leg, you will move forward with force and without unnecessary effort. You will use the same walking technique whether you are walking on a sidewalk, a walkway, or a treadmill.
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  452 Hits

8 tips with which you will lose weight with indoor cycling.

Whatever your goal of weight management is, exercise should be part of it. Exercise will help you maintain muscle mass, which is more beneficial for your body, will help facilitate weight loss in the long run.

In addition to burning 400 to 600 calories in a 45-minute session, cycling indoors also helps speed up your metabolism (your body's calorie-burning engine). This makes it possible to tone up and strengthen all the muscles of the legs, buttocks and cortex.

While leisurely cycling outside is unlikely to help you lose weight significantly, cycling indoors can help. But to get the most out of indoor cycling, you have to follow some basic nutrition and workout rules. Here's what you need to know about including indoor cycling in your weight control plan.
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  468 Hits

Top 5 Reasons why you need to include weights exercises in your workouts.

While you may prefer cardiovascular exercises such as walking, running, swimming or cycling, you may want to consider weight training as a supplement to your fitness program. Training with weights brings significant health benefits and helps to build muscle mass, which will make it easier for you to perform everyday tasks.
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  415 Hits

Distribution of meal time during cardio training.

Regardless of the amount of cardio you do, nutrition plays a key role not only in how you work, but also in how you feel. Exercising without enough food is like "burning a candle" at both ends — it's ineffective.

Instead of spinning wheels and going nowhere, take a few minutes to plan your eating and drinking plan before and after your workout so you can get the most out of your workouts. Here's what you need to know about meal times and cardio workouts.
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  445 Hits

Create a beautiful press with cross-twists.

Cross—twisting is an exercise for beginners that works on a larger group of muscles than just the anterior abdominal muscles. It also affects the lateral abdominal muscles, helping you feel more "drawn in" at the waist. Add this movement to your core workout to strengthen your midsection.
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  512 Hits

The whole truth about GMOs.

While some people worry about what they would like to eat today, others are more focused on where their food comes from and how it was grown. The collective interest in genetic modification, the use of pesticides and organically grown food has expanded, and with it the debate about the necessity and safety of these farming methods.
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  819 Hits

Avoid the 5 biggest mistakes in training.

Sometimes those who train with the best intentions can undermine their own progress with these five common exercise mistakes. Not getting the results you're hoping for can be frustrating and confusing.

So what makes one training plan successful and the other not? There may be several factors involved. But in many cases, the cause can be traced back to one of these five errors. If your exercise plan does not produce the expected results, check if you are making one of these common mistakes in training.
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  425 Hits

Find out why coconut oil is deservedly praised for its benefits.

Coconut oil is a vegetable fat obtained from the pulp of coconuts. Due to the large amount of saturated fats, its fame lies in the fact that it is one of the few vegetable oils that remains solid at room temperature. Many people like its neutral, slightly sweet taste, as well as the crumbly texture that it can give to cooked dishes.

In recent years, coconut oil has become extremely fashionable, it is often advertised as a healthy alternative to animal fats, such as butter or lard. But, like any other saturated fat, coconut oil should be consumed in moderation.
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  436 Hits

Cycling - how to get started and what you need to know.

Cycling is a sport that many people like to do. There are also many reasons for this, as it is a good form of exercise and a way to clear the mind. Cycling can also be enjoyed both outdoors and indoors. If the weather is not ideal, you can ride an exercise bike.
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  445 Hits

Do you like green onions? Find out what its benefits are.

Green onion (Allium schoenoprasum) is a member of the genus Allium, leeks and green onions. The lower stems and bulbs of this herb have a mild, pure onion flavor, which is often used to decorate foods such as baked potatoes or stuffed eggs.
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  434 Hits

Do one of the best buttock exercises right - sumo squats.

Being one of the "big three" powerlifts, squats are a sure way to strengthen the lower body and the body. To challenge yourself even more, try doing a sumo squat instead by extending your stance. This option can add variety to your lower body strength training.
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  502 Hits

All about the benefits of seaweed.

Seaweed has been popular in Asian cuisine for centuries, and it is starting to gain popularity in other parts of the world as well. Seaweed is a source of a number of vitamins and minerals and offers several promising health benefits.
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  459 Hits

8 health benefits of skiing and snowboarding.

All skiers and snowboarders really enjoy their holidays. You are happy with your pastime, eat a lot and sleep like a dead man. What makes you feel this way?
As with any energetic sport, skiing and snowboarding will really test your fitness. There will be so many different parts of your body involved, from your legs to your core muscles, not to mention your heart and lungs. Consequently, there are many benefits, some physiological, some psychological, and some almost spiritual.
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  485 Hits