
Very effective exercises are Romanian and deadlift.

In the correct technique of performing Romanian traction, there is a basic criterion - an even back. With an even back, the neck / dumbbells should fall below the knee to about the middle of the shin. If such a mark is not yet available to you, it is worth doing flexibility exercises. Any beginner, with due attention to stretching, will be able to do the first low deadlift in a couple of months.
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  941 Hits

How to increase the strength of the knee by side walking with an expander.

The exercise of walking with a side rubber looks (and seems) quite strange, but in fact it is an ideal way to improve hip stability, strengthen the hip abductor muscles, especially the middle gluteus muscle, and increase the stability of the knee joint. As part of the warm-up exercise, walking sideways involves many deep muscles that stabilize the pelvis. Doing this exercise before a workout can improve hip, foot, and ankle stability, as well as knee joint stabilization. This, in turn, improves the overall mechanics of the body and the effectiveness of movements during training or competition.
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  1072 Hits

What is the essence of the mountaineer exercise.

Climbing a mountain would be a difficult workout for most, but what if a mountain is a floor? This is the essence of the mountaineer exercise. Performing the exercise from the plank position, you alternately press one knee to your chest, and then pull back again, each time increasing the speed until you "run" on the floor.
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  712 Hits

How to properly perform an exercise on a biceps simulator.

This exercise can definitely promise you big biceps.

This is not the case when a new exercise should replace the standard biceps flexion in your training schedule, it should rather work together with it to add variety to your routine, since it affects the biceps in a different way.
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  756 Hits

Why you should try training with a rope.

Jumping rope is not only for children. A skipping rope is an effective and portable tool that you should add to your arsenal of equipment, because it can provide both a warm-up and a serious workout. Jumping rope has many advantages: it is an amazing cardio workout that improves your coordination, speeds up your metabolism and makes you sweat like crazy.
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  750 Hits

How to master pull-ups is one of the most difficult exercises with your own weight.

You definitely don't need to say a hundred times that pull-ups are probably the most difficult exercise with your own weight. If you have ever tried to do this exercise in the gym or just climbed over a wall in the real world, you will know what requirements it imposes on the muscles of the back, shoulders and arms.
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  795 Hits

5 exercises for the chest muscles for women.

Despite the fact that the pectoral muscles are literally in front and in the center, they are quite easy to ignore.

First, a small anatomy of the pectoral muscle: all women have a large fan-shaped pectoral muscle on both sides of the breast, directly under the breast tissue. The smaller muscle, known as the pectoralis minor, is located in the upper part of the chest under the pectoralis major muscle. Collectively, these muscles are known as the pectoral muscles, and they cover the entire chest.
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  759 Hits

Extension of the triceps.

Triceps extension is an isolating exercise that works out the muscles of the back of the shoulder. This muscle, called the triceps, has three parts: long, lateral and medial. They work together to extend the forearm at the elbow joint. The triceps extension exercise is called an isolating exercise because it involves movement in only one joint - the elbow.
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  810 Hits

These exercises will help you add activity to a sedentary lifestyle.

To improve your ability to sit down and get out of chairs, get out of cars and other seats, you need to strengthen your calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, hips and body. It won't be difficult if you start doing these exercises and gradually increase his load as you develop strength.

Such exercises are especially relevant for people who have been sedentary for a long time and now want to add activity to their daily routine.
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  801 Hits

Russian twists are a good exercise for the muscles of the core and back.

Russian twists are a good exercise that strengthens all parts of the abdominal press, especially the oblique muscles, for strong core muscles and a thin waist. By using your muscles to rotate from side to side, you activate the muscle fibers around your waist and also pull in your lower abdomen to create a strong flat stomach. Having learned how to do Russian twists, you will add another basic exercise for the core, going beyond the standard twists.
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  865 Hits

A fun, effective and warming exercise is the caterpillar.

The caterpillar exercise offers a little bit of everything - it helps to strengthen the muscles of the anterior chain (the front half of the body), while simultaneously stretching the muscles of the posterior chain (the back half of the body). And since it is more or less aimed at your whole body, this exercise makes your blood boil. Therefore, a reasonable solution would be to include the caterpillar in the warm-up plan of a high-intensity workout.

The movement itself eventually looks exactly the same as its name - caterpillar.
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  1102 Hits

The Dragon Flag is an effective abs exercise for experienced athletes.

The Dragon Flag is a complex exercise on the core muscles with its own weight, which can help develop greater overall core strength and an incredibly strong, well-defined six-pack abs. Since this is not only difficult, but also causes a lot of stress on the joints, only more advanced athletes and athletes with a high level of overall body strength should try to perform it.
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  1339 Hits

What is an alternating bar and how to perform it.

Alternating plank is a great exercise, especially if you are tired of the usual plank and you want variety. This exercise is a more active variation of an ordinary plank, provides a greater load on the muscles and will definitely make you sweat.
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  1300 Hits

How to perform half-squats correctly.

Squats are a common addition to many workouts, regardless of whether they are performed only with their own weight or with added weight. Expanding the squat styles you practice gives you additional options as well as physical benefits.
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  920 Hits

Reverse push-ups from the bench to the triceps are a popular exercise for hands.

Triceps push-up is an excellent exercise with its own weight, which develops the strength of the arms and shoulders. This simple exercise can be performed almost anywhere, and it can be customized depending on your fitness level. Use it as part of upper body strength training.
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  963 Hits

How to perform the vertical lifting of the knees to the body.

Vertical knee lift is a basic exercise that allows you to diversify the training of the press and bring it to a more advanced level. If you need a good 6-pack abs, adding a vertical knee lift can help you. You can use it as part of a basic workout or a full body workout.
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  966 Hits

How to properly perform pacing with dumbbells.

Walking with dumbbells is a great exercise for the lower body, and adding dumbbells increases the load on the muscles being worked out. It can be modified to provide a safe and effective workout for people with any level of training and fit into any exercise regime designed to increase the strength of the upper leg and buttocks.
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  977 Hits

Pulling a dumbbell with one hand will help you build up your back muscles.

The dumbbell pull on one hand is a good addition to any training with dumbbells. This exercise targets the upper and lower back, as well as the shoulders, biceps and thighs, while improving the stability of the body. It performs five different joint actions. Beginners can use light weight to gradually increase strength. This is also a good exercise that can be performed as part of a circular workout.
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  874 Hits

How to perform the hammer exercise.

Bending the arms with dumbbells is one of the most frequently performed exercises for the upper body. The hammer is a simple type of biceps flexion that helps to engage additional muscles in the upper and lower part of the arm for greater clarity and increased strength.

Many believe that this exercise can also help to increase the stability of the wrist and improve the grip strength.

Although this exercise is almost always performed with dumbbells, it can also be performed with ropes or ribbons if dumbbells are not available. Other typical equipment for flexing the arms on the biceps, such as a barbell or a kettlebell, is not suitable for this exercise because of the need to rotate the wrist.
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  891 Hits

How to perform the reverse bar correctly.

The reverse plank is an exercise that is often forgotten, and it is great for the core muscles. It targets the posterior muscles (those along the back of the body), but, if done correctly, it also involves the abdominal muscles. Although this exercise is most often found in yoga classes, it is a good addition to any basic workout. Beginners should start by studying the usual bar. Continue to hold the reverse bar for just a few seconds at a time, maintaining the correct shape.
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  812 Hits